[ANN] ModemManager 1.2-rc1

Bjørn Mork bjorn at mork.no
Sun Jan 12 03:26:21 PST 2014

Bjørn Mork <bjorn at mork.no> writes:

> Aleksander Morgado <aleksander at aleksander.es> wrote:
>>Hey Bjørn,
>>>>>> Wait... I did *not* include the blacklist for that device yet...
>>so now
>>>>>> I don't know why the QMI port got ignored... could you send debug
>>>>> Oh...  Sorry, didn't notice that.
>>>>> Hope I got the relevant part in the attached log
>>>> You sure that you're using the aleksander/zte-qmi branch? The log
>>> Oops, no, I'm not.  A slight branch name confusion there.  You got a
>>> "zte-qmi" branch as well, and with my typical lack of precision I
>>> that into my local branch instead of "aleksander/zte-qmi.
>>> Sorry about the confusion.  I'll retest as soon as I get a chance.
>>> Don't have the modem with me right now.
>>Any chance you can retest the 'aleksander/zte-qmi' branch in the
>>following days with the MF60?
> Yes, I'll try to remember that as soon as I'm back from a short new
> years vacation. 

Which I of course forgot all about...

Tested it now, using the proper branch.  Hopefully.  It's SIM locked,
and I don't have a valid subscription on the accepted SIM, so I cannot
connect to anything.

But this is how it looks:

bjorn at nemi:~$ mmcli -m 0

/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0 (device id '80777bd0282d11d98ca32bb119ab8cc8712290b8')
  Hardware |   manufacturer: 'QUALCOMM INCORPORATED'
           |          model: '8'
           |       revision: 'M8200C-FACPACZD-1.0.392T  1  [Sep 21 2011 16:35:09]'
           |      supported: 'gsm-umts'
           |        current: 'gsm-umts'
           |   equipment id: '355572041200667'
  System   |         device: '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb3/3-2'
           |        drivers: 'option1, qmi_wwan'
           |         plugin: 'ZTE'
           |   primary port: 'cdc-wdm0'
           |          ports: 'ttyUSB0 (qcdm), ttyUSB1 (at), cdc-wdm0 (qmi), wwan0 (net)'
  Numbers  |           own : 'unknown'
  Status   |           lock: 'sim-pin2'
           | unlock retries: 'sim-pin (3), sim-pin2 (3), sim-puk (10), sim-puk2 (10)'
           |          state: 'enabled'
           |    power state: 'on'
           |    access tech: 'unknown'
           | signal quality: '0' (cached)
  Modes    |      supported: 'allowed: 2g; preferred: none
           |                  allowed: 3g; preferred: none
           |                  allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: none
           |                  allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: 2g
           |                  allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: 3g'
           |        current: 'allowed: any; preferred: none'
  Bands    |      supported: 'unknown'
           |        current: 'unknown'
  IP       |      supported: 'ipv4, ipv6, ipv4v6'
  3GPP     |           imei: '355572041200667'
           |  enabled locks: 'none'
           |    operator id: 'unknown'
           |  operator name: 'unknown'
           |   subscription: 'unknown'
           |   registration: 'idle'
  SIM      |           path: '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0'

  Bearers  |          paths: 'none'

So it does appear to use QMI. Was that the idea?  I guess I'll have to
do a connection to actually make it crash.

The MM debug log is attached.


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