ETSI 27.007 and HSPA+

Cristian Morales Vega cristian at
Wed Jan 7 01:46:13 PST 2015

I was looking at ModemManager sources to try to understand how to
identify the use of HSPA+ in a standard ETSI 27.007 device and I got a
bit more confused.

include/ModemManager-enums.h defines the MMModemAccessTechnology enum
with this comment:

But I can't find "UTRAN w/HSPA+" in ETSI 27.007.
seems to agree with me.

I guess the comment in MMModemAccessTechnology is wrong?
In any case, can somebody confirm that there is no way to identify a
GPRS (I guess you can through AT+CPSB) or HSPA+ connections using just
ETSI 27.007? Somebody knows the reasoning for it being omitted in ETSI

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