CPU loading issue

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Wed Jun 10 16:34:16 PDT 2015

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 4:30 PM, David McCullough
<david.mccullough at accelecon.com> wrote:
>> > I am using an embedded platform and after a bit of fiddling I have built the package and used it.
>> >
>> > Trace attached.
>> Thanks; that gets us further since the two functions that are getting
>> called all the time are "match" and "pcre_exec".  Unfortunately that
>> doesn't tell us *which* regex this is...  Aleksander, any ideas?
> Remember Marc has modded the GPS to send data every second.  Maybe the
> Huawei is sending more info per second than other modesm are sending ?
> IIRC the GPS (NMEA?) dumps comes in on 2 of the USB tty ports,  both of
> which MM is watching.  The incoming data is parsed using the modem manager
> pattern matching,  thus the match/pcre stuff you see.
> The GPS data can be fairly verbose from memory,  depending on numbers of
> satelites etc,  maybe we are just getting too much ?  I am not and expert
> on the GPS data so I really can't say.  Perhaps the combination of all
> modem chitchat is just queuing up and modem manager is getting behind ?
> I have a 400MHz ARM that I have been running the MU609 in for the last day.
> It polls at the default 30 seconds and is still running at 0% popping up to
> 5-6% every now and then.

Could you maybe set the same 1s update in the MU609 and see if MM
behaves worse in the same board?


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