Modem not disconnecting when deleting current bearer (ref bug #17414)

Torsten Hilbrich torsten.hilbrich at
Fri May 8 02:00:06 PDT 2015

Version of modemmanager: 1.4.6
Version of libmbim: 1.12.2
Version of libqmi: 1.12.4

I noticed some unexpected behaviour of the modem manager when deleting a
bearer object which was currently in the connecting state.

<debug> [1428916367.541269] New MBM bearer created at DBus path
<debug> [1428916367.543275] Connecting bearer
<info>  [1428916367.543292] Modem
/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (registered ->

Now the D-Bus client triggers a DeleteBearer.

<info>  [1428916372.035137] Modem
/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (connecting ->
<debug> [1428916372.035331] (wwan0): port now disconnected
<debug> [1428916372.035337] Removing from DBus bearer at

Problem is, the bearer object is removed but the modem stays connected.

The API documentation says:

DeleteBearer (IN  o bearer);

Delete an existing packet data bearer.

If the bearer is currently active and providing packet data server, it
will be disconnected and that packet data service will terminate.

I assumed that this meant that the modem will be disconnected
afterwards. Is this assumption wrong or am I experiencing a bug here?

Full logs of modemmanager are attached, just some possible sensitive
information (IMEI, IMSI, SIM ID, Location) anonymized.

	Torsten Hilbrich

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