Huawei E5786s-32a linux

Thomas Schäfer tschaefer at
Mon May 18 00:44:16 PDT 2015


I have the same device (I will compare the IDs later).

My experience is: you can't use it under linux via USB.

ModemManager is totally wrong here, because the device behaves like a 
router. (maybe you are able to switch it to different device, but this 
would be an exception)

The Networkmanager could work, but there is a problem inside the 
communication between the kernel-driver and huawei.

In my case the device was only usable via WLAN.


Am 18.05.2015 um 08:26 schrieb Mindaugas Stankevičius:
> ubuntu 15.10, modemmanager 1.4.8, device id 12d1:15ca modeswitched to id
> 12d1:1506
> Two ports available cdc-wdm0  and ttyUSB0.  Port cdc-wdm0 no response to
> at commands.
> It's not possible to get internet connection or even get ip adrress
> (dhcp) using usb. Modem manager loads cpu to 100%.
> Mindaugas
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