[PATCH] iface-modem-3gpp: allow LAC/CID updates reported while registering

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Thu Oct 15 02:39:24 PDT 2015

When changing from idle to registered we'll load registration info before really
reporting that we're registered (so that clients can get the new registration
info directly). During this time, we should also allow LAC/CID updates triggered
in the location interface.

E.g. when receiving this QMI message, we're not processing LAC/CID because when
they get reported, the registration state was not yet 'registered':

    [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
    >>>>>> QMUX:
    >>>>>>   length  = 67
    >>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
    >>>>>>   service = "nas"
    >>>>>>   client  = 1
    >>>>>> QMI:
    >>>>>>   flags       = "indication"
    >>>>>>   transaction = 0
    >>>>>>   tlv_length  = 55
    >>>>>>   message     = "Serving System" (0x0024)
    >>>>>> TLV:
    >>>>>>   type       = "MNC PCS Digit Include Status" (0x29)
    >>>>>>   length     = 5
    >>>>>>   value      = D6:00:01:00:00
    >>>>>>   translated = [ mcc = '214' mnc = '1' includes_pcs_digit = 'no' ]
    >>>>>> TLV:
    >>>>>>   type       = "LTE TAC" (0x25)
    >>>>>>   length     = 2
    >>>>>>   value      = 08:01
    >>>>>>   translated = 264
    >>>>>> TLV:
    >>>>>>   type       = "Detailed Service Status" (0x22)
    >>>>>>   length     = 5
    >>>>>>   value      = 02:03:00:01:00
    >>>>>>   translated = [ status = 'available' capability = 'cs-ps' hdr_status = 'none' hdr_hybrid = 'yes' forbidden = 'no' ]
    >>>>>> TLV:
    >>>>>>   type       = "CID 3GPP" (0x1e)
    >>>>>>   length     = 4
    >>>>>>   value      = 01:A1:4D:04
    >>>>>>   translated = 72196353
    >>>>>> TLV:
    >>>>>>   type       = "LAC 3GPP" (0x1d)
    >>>>>>   length     = 2
    >>>>>>   value      = FE:FF
    >>>>>>   translated = 65534
    >>>>>> TLV:
    >>>>>>   type       = "Current PLMN" (0x12)
    >>>>>>   length     = 5
    >>>>>>   value      = D6:00:01:00:00
    >>>>>>   translated = [ mcc = '214' mnc = '1' description = '' ]
    >>>>>> TLV:
    >>>>>>   type       = "Data Service Capability" (0x11)
    >>>>>>   length     = 2
    >>>>>>   value      = 01:0B
    >>>>>>   translated = { [0] = 'lte '}
    >>>>>> TLV:
    >>>>>>   type       = "Serving System" (0x01)
    >>>>>>   length     = 6
    >>>>>>   value      = 01:01:01:02:01:08
    >>>>>>   translated = [ registration_state = 'registered' cs_attach_state = 'attached' ps_attach_state = 'attached' selected_network = '3gpp' radio_interfaces = '{ [0] = 'lte '}' ]
    <debug> [1444895382.427216] Processing 3GPP info...
    <info>  [1444895382.433423] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/3: 3GPP Registration state changed (idle -> registering)

    [ Here we tried to update LAC/CID ]

    <debug> [1444895382.439668] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/3: 3GPP location updated (MCC: '214', MNC: '1', Location area code: '0', Cell ID: '0')
    <info>  [1444895382.446788] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/3: 3GPP Registration state changed (registering -> home)
    <info>  [1444895382.452383] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/3: state changed (enabled -> registered)

Hey Dan,

Another one here to fix LAC/CID reporting. This one is trying to allow LAC/CID
updates once we know we're registered, but before actually reporting it in the
DBus interface (i.e. while we're reloading the operator name/code).

Let me know what you think.


 src/mm-iface-modem-3gpp.c | 11 +++++++++--
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mm-iface-modem-3gpp.c b/src/mm-iface-modem-3gpp.c
index c8f3c2e..409c03f 100644
--- a/src/mm-iface-modem-3gpp.c
+++ b/src/mm-iface-modem-3gpp.c
@@ -1052,6 +1052,10 @@ mm_iface_modem_3gpp_update_location (MMIfaceModem3gpp *self,
                                      gulong cell_id)
     MMModem3gppRegistrationState state;
+    RegistrationStateContext *ctx;
+    ctx = get_registration_state_context (self);
+    g_assert (ctx);

     if (!MM_IS_IFACE_MODEM_LOCATION (self))
@@ -1061,8 +1065,11 @@ mm_iface_modem_3gpp_update_location (MMIfaceModem3gpp *self,

     /* Even if registration state didn't change, report access technology or
-     * location updates, but only if something valid to report */
+     * location updates, but only if something valid to report. For the case
+     * where we're registering (loading current registration info after a state
+     * change to registered), we also allow LAC/CID updates. */
+    if (ctx->reloading_registration_info ||
         if (location_area_code > 0 && cell_id > 0)
             mm_iface_modem_location_3gpp_update_lac_ci (MM_IFACE_MODEM_LOCATION (self),

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