Update SIM related data according to an event

Carlo Lobrano c.lobrano at gmail.com
Fri Mar 11 16:21:16 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I'm trying to update some modem data according to an unsolicited event.

Telit modems have an unsolicited indication #QSS (Query SIM Status) which
is emitted when the SIM status changes (e.g. SIM removed/inserted).

My intention is to register an handler to this notification and somehow
trigger an update of the SIM related data when a #QSS event occurs, the
problem is how to update those data?

I tried a bit with some "update" functions like
`mm_iface_modem_update_lock_info`, but since the SIM is not there anymore
those command fail and the data (e.g. sim locked status, unlocked retries,
etc.) do not change. Moreover, I tried with a modified version of
modem_load_unlock_retries that unset the value of the retries
(mm_unlock_retries_unset), but that doesn't seem to change the cached
values (mmcli -m 0 still reports the old valued of unlock retries).

I think I am missing somenthing and/or that I need a more systematic
approach, like repeating the steps done when a modem is first initialized.
Is this possible?

Best regards,
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