trying to connect to different operators using --3gpp-register-in-operator

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Tue Dec 5 10:17:01 UTC 2017


> we already wrote around a month ago about that problem, so I thought it
> would be okay to just answer on your last mail again.
> I still have the same problem, which is that I try to connect and disconnect
> to 3 different mobile networks in a row and the first two are connecting
> just fine, but the third one just won't connect (I already made it try 6
> times with --simple-connect just for that one network). And after that last
> network couldn't connect, I do --simple-disconnect which works, but then I
> try to disable the modem and it takes around 1 minute until the modem state
> changes from "disabling" to "disabled".
> I have a log for you again, I hope it doesn't bother too much.
> Btw: I followed your advice to just use simple-connect and then
> simple-diconnect after that as you can see
> I think it helped a lot, but the problem that the third operator won't
> connect is really annoying and I couldn't find a solution for that by now on
> my own, so I would appreciate any advice.

In your logs I see a connection attempt with an explicit operator id
(26203) at 1511990328.384995. The logic goes through the manual
registration process, trying to get registered in that specific
network. At 1511990345.704504 I see another connection attempt to the
same operator, that is approx 17s after the previous attempt.

Are you waiting some specific time between connection attempts? Those
two attempts seem too close to each other. You should leave much more
time for the connection attempt to go on, because re-registration in a
different operator, especially when doing it manually, may take some
time. The logs show that the registration in the operator didn't
happen in those 17s, and it looks like the actual COPS command used to
request manual registration didn't reply in that time either. Are you
able to manually reproduce these issues running the AT commands in


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