[PATCH] mm-broadband-modem-mbim: support hot swapping

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Mon Jul 3 08:28:25 UTC 2017

On 30/06/17 20:28, Eric Caruso wrote:
>>>>>> If I'm not mistaken, whenever a sim insert/removal event is detected, we
>>>>>> should just call
>>>>>> mm_broadband_modem_update_sim_hot_swap_detected(), which will trigger a
>>>>>> full modem re-probe.
>>>> I had imagined that a full re-probe on SIM removal was overkill, and
>>>> the discussion in thread
>>>> https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/modemmanager-devel/2014-February/000914.html
>>>> seemed to land on moving the modem into the failed state rather than
>>>> disabling it. I suppose the re-probe will re-initialize it and it will
>>>> get to the failed state because it doesn't have a SIM inserted, so I
>>>> can change this if that's what we want.
>>> A full reprobe is a bit overkill, yes, but right now that's the only way to not only force the modem in Failed state but also make sure all feature interfaces get un-exported from DBus. A modem in failed state should only allow very few of the feature interfaces exposed, mainly those which would allow to get away from a failed state, like e.g. the Firmware interface.
>>> I'd suggest we keep the full reprobe for now, but also investigate the possibility of getting in the Failed state with the limited interfaces, as that would be much quicker.
>> Thanks, I'll do that for now and look into moving it into the failed
>> state in the future.
> Something interesting happened when I tried this out: when re-probing
> the modem on removal, we disable the Modem3gpp interface. This calls
> mm_iface_modem_3gpp_disable which in turn calls
> cleanup_unsolicited_events. As as result we stop getting
> SUBSCRIBER_READY_STATUS notifications and we can no longer get
> notified when the SIM is inserted. Simply moving the modem to the
> failed state when the SIM card is ejected did not disable the 3gpp
> interface so we were still able to get notifications.
> However, this is still a problem even for the original patch if a SIM
> card is not inserted when the modem is first enabled, so we have to
> deal with this anyway. Additionally, if we want to move to the failed
> state and disable interfaces we'll probably have the same issue. We
> might want to be notified of SUBSCRIBER_INFO events regardless of
> whether setup_unsolicited_events or cleanup_unsolicited_events is
> called (e.g. we can subscribe to them separately in
> setup_sim_hot_swap).

Yes, that is true. Check how the Telit plugin deals with this registering the #QSS indications separately.


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