[PATCH] sim hot swap: improved error management

Tim Small tim at seoss.co.uk
Wed Jul 26 13:03:06 UTC 2017

On 25/07/17 13:05, Carlo Lobrano wrote:
> I can't reproduce this issue. I see the ATZ command, but I still receive
> each QSS notification.

OK.  Do you have separate data and command ports?  Is so, then perhaps
the reason which you can't reproduce the issue is that the ATZ command
only acts locally on the AT command interpreter for the port which its
issued on...

If you enable sim hot swap notification on an aux/command port, and the
ATZ is issued to the data port, then sim hot swap will still be enabled
on the aux port.

If you only have a single port (which is the case with the modem I'm
testing with - unless I use CMUX mode), and hot swap notification has
been enabled, then issuing ATZ on that port will turn off hot swap



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