Telit HE910 not connecting with Modem Manager 1.6.4

Penalva, Salvador Salvador.Penalva at
Tue Mar 14 15:58:54 UTC 2017

Hi all,

We made some test applying Carlo’s patch and increasing the timeout of CSIM command as suggested, but when it does AT+CSIM=10,002000010 after doing AT+CPIN=”pin” it gets stuck anyway (we even tried with a huge timeout but the driver timeout stops the execution before you can get any response). After this has happened you can even connect to the modem via microcom through the serial port but it doesn’t answer to any AT command.

In order to debug the problem, we removed from "mm-broadband-modem-telit.c" file the functions that used CSIM command ("MMUnlockRetrie and modem_load_unlock_retries"). These are the ones that ask the SIM how many retries of PIN and PUK it has. After disabling this functionality from the plugin, we were able to connect with a modem with an old FW without problem. 

I think it's quite clear that the problem is in that command and we also think that with a firmware update of the modem this doesn’t seem to happen anymore. We got this morning an update from telit and I will try it right now.  Anyway, it would be good a patch to this problems so that older versions of the FW of telit that used to work until now, could still work. Checking for which modems +CPINR works and use +CSIM on the rest as Aleksander suggested , could be a good solution. 

Thank you very much,


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksander Morgado [mailto:aleksander at] 
Sent: martes, 14 de marzo de 2017 13:17
To: Carlo Lobrano
Cc: Reinhard Speyerer; Daniele Palmas; Penalva, Salvador; modemmanager-devel at
Subject: Re: Telit HE910 not connecting with Modem Manager 1.6.4

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 10:30 AM, Carlo Lobrano <c.lobrano at> wrote:
> Yes, +CPINR is not supported by all Telit modems (e.g. LE910 and LE910 
> V2), so I opted for the command with wider support. Changing the 
> timeout can be a solution and I'll made some tests.

We could always run +CPINR=? to look for support before using it, and otherwise fallback to +CSIM commands? If it's better to use +CPINR for any reason, why not do that?


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