Could not acquire the 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1' service name

Jan Graczyk JanG at
Tue Mar 21 19:56:50 UTC 2017

Hello Dan,

Here is the ModemManager debug logging with my recent udev rule added:

root at linaro-alip:~# ModemManager --debug
ModemManager[1623]: <info>  [1490123697.480062] [main.c:140] main(): ModemManager (version 1.4.0) starting in system bus...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.502634] [main.c:65] bus_acquired_cb(): Bus acquired, creating manager...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.520416] [mm-plugin-manager.c:852] load_plugins(): Looking for plugins in '/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ModemManager'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.522802] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Nokia (Icera)'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.524392] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'AnyDATA'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.525883] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Option'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.527330] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'X22X'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.528752] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Pantech'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.530279] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Iridium'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.531809] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Novatel'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.533273] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'MTK'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.534832] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Generic'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.536357] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Gobi'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.537969] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Huawei'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.539526] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Sierra'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.541052] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Option High-Speed'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.542537] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Motorola'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.544192] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Via CBP7'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.545752] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Samsung'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.547194] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'SimTech'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.548733] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Nokia'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.550220] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Wavecom'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.551770] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Novatel LTE'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.553265] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Longcheer'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.555024] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Cinterion'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.556584] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'ZTE'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.558134] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Linktop'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.559682] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Telit'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.561223] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Altair LTE'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.562785] [mm-plugin-manager.c:877] load_plugins(): Loaded plugin 'Ericsson MBM'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.562921] [mm-plugin-manager.c:902] load_plugins(): Successfully loaded 27 plugins
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.571097] [main.c:87] name_acquired_cb(): Service name 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1' was acquired
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.571229] [mm-base-manager.c:479] mm_base_manager_start(): Starting automatic device scan...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.612974] [mm-base-manager.c:518] mm_base_manager_start(): Finished device scan...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.617866] [mm-base-manager.c:314] device_added(): (tty/ttymxc0): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.620444] [mm-base-manager.c:314] device_added(): (tty/ttymxc1): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.623656] [mm-plugin-manager.c:739] mm_plugin_manager_find_device_support(): (Plugin Manager) [/sys/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-bus/21ec000.serial] Checking device support...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.625380] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Nokia (Icera)) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.626617] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (AnyDATA) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.627761] [mm-plugin.c:253] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Option) [ttymxc2] filtered by drivers
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.628880] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (X22X) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.630003] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Pantech) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.630112] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Novatel) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.630181] [mm-plugin.c:380] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (MTK) [ttymxc2] filtered by udev tags
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.630235] [mm-plugin.c:253] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Gobi) [ttymxc2] filtered by drivers
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.962271] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Huawei) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.962452] [mm-plugin.c:253] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Sierra) [ttymxc2] filtered by drivers
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.962576] [mm-plugin.c:253] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Option High-Speed) [ttymxc2] filtered by drivers
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.962690] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Motorola) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.962814] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Samsung) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.962926] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (SimTech) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.963053] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Wavecom) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.963164] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Novatel LTE) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.963272] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Longcheer) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.963392] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (ZTE) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.973741] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Linktop) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.973923] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Telit) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.974045] [mm-plugin.c:326] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Altair LTE) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor/product IDs
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.974185] [mm-plugin.c:380] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Ericsson MBM) [ttymxc2] filtered by udev tags
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.974312] [mm-plugin-manager.c:640] build_plugins_list(): (Plugin Manager) [ttymxc2] Found '5' plugins to try...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.974424] [mm-plugin-manager.c:644] build_plugins_list(): (Plugin Manager) [ttymxc2]   Will try with plugin 'Iridium'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.974533] [mm-plugin-manager.c:644] build_plugins_list(): (Plugin Manager) [ttymxc2]   Will try with plugin 'Via CBP7'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.974639] [mm-plugin-manager.c:644] build_plugins_list(): (Plugin Manager) [ttymxc2]   Will try with plugin 'Nokia'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.974749] [mm-plugin-manager.c:644] build_plugins_list(): (Plugin Manager) [ttymxc2]   Will try with plugin 'Cinterion'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.974861] [mm-plugin-manager.c:644] build_plugins_list(): (Plugin Manager) [ttymxc2]   Will try with plugin 'Generic'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.975255] [mm-plugin.c:767] mm_plugin_supports_port(): (Iridium) [ttymxc2] probe required: 'at, at-vendor, at-product'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.975464] [mm-port-probe.c:1353] mm_port_probe_run(): (tty/ttymxc2) launching port probing: 'at, at-vendor, at-product'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123697.977582] [mm-base-manager.c:314] device_added(): (tty/ttymxc4): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123698.000339] [mm-base-manager.c:314] device_added(): (net/can0): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123698.002695] [mm-base-manager.c:314] device_added(): (net/can1): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123698.010639] [mm-base-manager.c:314] device_added(): (net/eth0): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123698.013213] [mm-base-manager.c:290] device_added(): (net/sit0): could not get port's parent device
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123698.016842] [mm-port-serial.c:1099] mm_port_serial_open(): (ttymxc2) opening serial port...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123698.025899] [mm-port-serial.c:1237] mm_port_serial_open(): (ttymxc2) device open count is 1 (open)
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123698.126826] [mm-port-serial-at.c:440] debug_log(): (ttymxc2): --> 'AT<CR>'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123699.675043] [mm-plugin-manager.c:710] min_probing_timeout_cb(): (Plugin Manager) [/sys/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-bus/21ec000.serial] Minimum probing time consumed
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123701.676723] [mm-port-probe-at.c:43] mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at(): Parsing AT got: 'Serial command timed out'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123701.677231] [mm-port-serial-at.c:440] debug_log(): (ttymxc2): --> 'AT<CR>'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123704.677040] [mm-port-probe-at.c:43] mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at(): Parsing AT got: 'Serial command timed out'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123704.677497] [mm-port-serial-at.c:440] debug_log(): (ttymxc2): --> 'AT<CR>'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.677319] [mm-port-probe-at.c:43] mm_port_probe_response_processor_is_at(): Parsing AT got: 'Serial command timed out'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.677559] [mm-port-probe.c:162] mm_port_probe_set_result_at(): (tty/ttymxc2) port is not AT-capable
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.677913] [mm-port-serial.c:1296] mm_port_serial_close(): (ttymxc2) device open count is 0 (close)
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.678076] [mm-port-serial.c:1312] mm_port_serial_close(): (ttymxc2) closing serial port...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.683943] [mm-port-serial.c:1361] mm_port_serial_close(): (ttymxc2) serial port closed
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.684170] [mm-port-serial.c:1415] port_serial_close_force(): (ttymxc2) forced to close port
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.684493] [mm-plugin.c:454] apply_post_probing_filters(): (Iridium) [ttymxc2] filtered as no vendor/product strings given
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.684875] [mm-plugin.c:767] mm_plugin_supports_port(): (Via CBP7) [ttymxc2] probe required: 'at, at-vendor, at-product'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.685131] [mm-plugin.c:454] apply_post_probing_filters(): (Via CBP7) [ttymxc2] filtered as no vendor/product strings given
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.685403] [mm-plugin.c:767] mm_plugin_supports_port(): (Nokia) [ttymxc2] probe required: 'at, at-vendor, at-icera'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.685617] [mm-plugin.c:429] apply_post_probing_filters(): (Nokia) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor strings
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.685870] [mm-plugin.c:767] mm_plugin_supports_port(): (Cinterion) [ttymxc2] probe required: 'at, at-vendor'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.686083] [mm-plugin.c:429] apply_post_probing_filters(): (Cinterion) [ttymxc2] filtered by vendor strings
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.686324] [mm-plugin.c:767] mm_plugin_supports_port(): (Generic) [ttymxc2] probe required: 'at, qcdm'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.686467] [mm-port-probe.c:1353] mm_port_probe_run(): (tty/ttymxc2) launching port probing: 'qcdm'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.686652] [mm-port-probe.c:658] serial_probe_qcdm(): (tty/ttymxc2) probing QCDM...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.687009] [mm-port-serial.c:1099] mm_port_serial_open(): (ttymxc2) opening serial port...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.694811] [mm-port-serial.c:1237] mm_port_serial_open(): (ttymxc2) device open count is 1 (open)
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123707.695221] [mm-port-serial-qcdm.c:201] debug_log(): (ttymxc2): --> 7e 00 78 f0 7e
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123710.676988] [mm-port-serial-qcdm.c:201] debug_log(): (ttymxc2): --> 7e 00 78 f0 7e
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.677471] [mm-port-probe.c:258] mm_port_probe_set_result_qcdm(): (tty/ttymxc2) port is not QCDM-capable
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.677854] [mm-port-serial.c:1296] mm_port_serial_close(): (ttymxc2) device open count is 0 (close)
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.678016] [mm-port-serial.c:1312] mm_port_serial_close(): (ttymxc2) closing serial port...
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.683862] [mm-port-serial.c:1361] mm_port_serial_close(): (ttymxc2) serial port closed
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.684128] [mm-port-serial.c:1415] port_serial_close_force(): (ttymxc2) forced to close port
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.684485] [mm-plugin-manager.c:462] plugin_supports_port_ready(): (Plugin Manager) (Generic) [ttymxc2] found best plugin for port
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.684810] [mm-plugin-manager.c:316] port_probe_context_finished(): (Plugin Manager) 'ttymxc2' port probe finished, last one in device
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.685006] [mm-plugin-manager.c:138] find_device_support_context_complete_and_free(): (Plugin Manager) [/sys/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-bus/21ec000.serial] device support check finished in '16.059923' seconds
ModemManager[1623]: <info>  [1490123713.685229] [mm-device.c:509] mm_device_create_modem(): Creating modem with plugin 'Generic' and '1' ports
ModemManager[1623]: <warn>  [1490123713.699372] [mm-plugin.c:905] mm_plugin_create_modem(): Could not grab port (tty/ttymxc2): 'Cannot add port 'tty/ttymxc2', unhandled serial type'
ModemManager[1623]: <debug> [1490123713.699802] [mm-base-modem.c:1485] finalize(): Modem (Generic) '/sys/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-bus/21ec000.serial' completely disposed
ModemManager[1623]: <warn>  [1490123713.700779] [mm-base-manager.c:158] find_device_support_ready(): Couldn't create modem for device at '/sys/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-bus/21ec000.serial': Failed to find primary AT port

Best Regards,
Jan Graczyk

This email message may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized use is prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Williams [mailto:dcbw at] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:48 PM
To: Jan Graczyk <JanG at>; Aleksander Morgado <aleksander at>
Cc: modemmanager-devel at
Subject: Re: Could not acquire the 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1' service name

On Tue, 2017-03-21 at 19:46 +0000, Jan Graczyk wrote:
> Hello Dan,
> I have got better result with that udev rule:
> ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="21ec000.serial", 
> However mmcli -L still cannot find the modem. May be I need to add the 
> support for QUECTEL UC20 device inside ModemManager.

Please provide ModemManager debug logging.  We can't help figure out what's going on without it here.


> Best Regards,
> Jan Graczyk
> This email message may contain confidential and privileged 
> information.  Any unauthorized use is prohibited.  If you are not the 
> intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and 
> destroy all copies of the original message.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Williams [mailto:dcbw at]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 11:17 AM
> To: Jan Graczyk <JanG at>; Aleksander Morgado <aleksander at alek 
> Cc: modemmanager-devel at
> Subject: Re: Could not acquire the 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1'
> service name
> On Tue, 2017-03-21 at 17:30 +0000, Jan Graczyk wrote:
> > Hello Dan,
> > 
> > I have not noticed that I am getting an e-mail from you. I am sorry 
> > for that. Here is the output for the requested command:
> > 
> > root at linaro-alip:~# udevadm info --attribute-walk 
> > /sys/class/tty/ttymxc2/
> > 
> > Udevadm info starts with the device specified by the devpath and 
> > then walks up the chain of parent devices. It prints for every 
> > device found, all possible attributes in the udev rules key format.
> > A rule to match, can be composed by the attributes of the device and 
> > the attributes from one single parent device.
> Ok, so it's not actually PCIe, at least according to the kernel data.
> You want to whitelist the "imx-uart" driver.  Add a file called 
> /etc/udev/rules.d/60-mm-imx-uart-whitelist.rules that contains:
> ACTION!="add|change|move", GOTO="mm_platform_device_whitelist_end"
> SUBSYSTEM!="platform", GOTO="mm_platform_device_whitelist_end"
> LABEL="mm_platform_device_whitelist_end"
> and then restart the machine.  Does that work?
> Dan
> >   looking at device '/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-
> > bus/21ec000.serial/tty/ttymxc2':
> >     KERNEL=="ttymxc2"
> >     SUBSYSTEM=="tty"
> >     DRIVER==""
> >     ATTR{close_delay}=="50"
> >     ATTR{closing_wait}=="3000"
> >     ATTR{custom_divisor}=="0"
> >     ATTR{flags}=="0x10000000"
> >     ATTR{io_type}=="2"
> >     ATTR{iomem_base}=="0x21EC000"
> >     ATTR{iomem_reg_shift}=="0"
> >     ATTR{irq}=="305"
> >     ATTR{line}=="2"
> >     ATTR{port}=="0x0"
> >     ATTR{type}=="62"
> >     ATTR{uartclk}=="80000000"
> >     ATTR{xmit_fifo_size}=="32"
> > 
> >   looking at parent device '/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-
> > bus/21ec000.serial':
> >     KERNELS=="21ec000.serial"
> >     SUBSYSTEMS=="platform"
> >     DRIVERS=="imx-uart"
> >     ATTRS{driver_override}=="(null)"
> > 
> >   looking at parent device '/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-bus':
> >     KERNELS=="2100000.aips-bus"
> >     SUBSYSTEMS=="platform"
> >     DRIVERS==""
> >     ATTRS{driver_override}=="(null)"
> > 
> >   looking at parent device '/devices/soc0/soc':
> >     KERNELS=="soc"
> >     SUBSYSTEMS=="platform"
> >     DRIVERS==""
> >     ATTRS{driver_override}=="(null)"
> > 
> >   looking at parent device '/devices/soc0':
> >     KERNELS=="soc0"
> >     SUBSYSTEMS=="soc"
> >     DRIVERS==""
> >     ATTRS{family}=="Freescale i.MX"
> >     ATTRS{machine}=="Variscite i.MX6 DL/Solo SOM-SOLO SOM-DUAL"
> >     ATTRS{revision}=="1.3"
> >     ATTRS{soc_id}=="i.MX6DL"
> > 
> > root at linaro-alip:~#
> > 
> > Best Regards,
> > Jan Graczyk
> > 
> > This email message may contain confidential and privileged 
> > information.  Any unauthorized use is prohibited.  If you are not 
> > the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and 
> > destroy all copies of the original message.
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dan Williams [mailto:dcbw at]
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 10:21 AM
> > To: Jan Graczyk <JanG at>; Aleksander Morgado <aleksander at al 
> > ek>
> > Cc: modemmanager-devel at
> > Subject: Re: Could not acquire the 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1'
> > service name
> > 
> > On Tue, 2017-03-21 at 16:59 +0000, Jan Graczyk wrote:
> > > Hello Aleksander,
> > > 
> > > The Queltec UC20 modem is sitting on my development board PCIe 
> > > bus.
> > > When I issue the command udevadm info /dev/ttymxc2 I am getting
> > > response:
> > 
> > We care more about the parents though, so could you:
> > 
> > udevadm info --attribute-walk /sys/class/tty/ttymxc2
> > 
> > Dan
> > 
> > > root at linaro-alip:~# udevadm info /dev/ttymxc2
> > > P: /devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-bus/21ec000.serial/tty/ttymxc2
> > > N: ttymxc2
> > > E: DEVNAME=/dev/ttymxc2
> > > E: DEVPATH=/devices/soc0/soc/2100000.aips-
> > > bus/21ec000.serial/tty/ttymxc2
> > > E: MAJOR=207
> > > E: MINOR=18
> > > E: SUBSYSTEM=tty
> > > E: TAGS=:systemd:
> > > E: USEC_INITIALIZED=8343793
> > > 
> > > root at linaro-alip:~#
> > > 
> > > Also the command mmcli -L reports: No modems were found. Do I need 
> > > to create udev rule for this device? How the udev rule should look 
> > > like for this device? Also after connecting to modem through 
> > > Kermit I can issue AT command and see the mobile networks.
> > > 
> > > Best Regards,
> > > Jan Graczyk
> > > 
> > > This email message may contain confidential and privileged 
> > > information.  Any unauthorized use is prohibited.  If you are not 
> > > the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email 
> > > and destroy all copies of the original message.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Dan Williams [mailto:dcbw at]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 9:41 AM
> > > To: Jan Graczyk <JanG at>; Aleksander Morgado <aleksander@ 
> > > al ek>
> > > Cc: modemmanager-devel at
> > > Subject: Re: Could not acquire the 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1'
> > > service name
> > > 
> > > On Tue, 2017-03-21 at 16:33 +0000, Jan Graczyk wrote:
> > > > Hello Aleksander,
> > > > 
> > > > Thank you for your response. I have actually stopped running 
> > > > Modem Manger and then I have issued the command ModemManager 
> > > > --debug.
> > > > This
> > > > time the service name was acquired. However I have got another 
> > > > problem. The mm-base-manager.c:314 reports error device
> > > > added():
> > > > (tty/ttymxc2): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted.
> > > > Do
> > > > you know the solution for this problem? Thank you for your 
> > > > support.
> > > 
> > > What is the device hooked up to on the machine itself?  
> > > ModemManager does not usually auto-probe various platform drivers, 
> > > because it cannot  know that a modem is connected as these are not 
> > > USB/PCI/etc and either do not provide device identifiers, or the 
> > > device is a generic serial adapter which doesn't necessarily 
> > > indicate a modem either (eg, it could have a UPS attached or 
> > > something).
> > > 
> > > So generally for these devices, if you have one you know what you 
> > > are doing, and you can add a whitelist entry for it quite easily 
> > > with udev rules.  But let's confirm the details first.
> > > 
> > > Dan
> > > 
> > > > Best Regards,
> > > > Jan Graczyk
> > > > 
> > > > This email message may contain confidential and privileged 
> > > > information.  Any unauthorized use is prohibited.  If you are 
> > > > not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply 
> > > > email and destroy all copies of the original message.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: Aleksander Morgado [mailto:aleksander at]
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 2:15 AM
> > > > To: Jan Graczyk <JanG at>
> > > > Cc: modemmanager-devel at
> > > > Subject: Re: Could not acquire the 
> > > > 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1'
> > > > service name
> > > > 
> > > > On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 12:55 AM, Jan Graczyk <JanG at>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > I have installed Quectel UC20 modem on my development board 
> > > > > PCIe bus. The Linux modem device for Quectel UC20 modem is 
> > > > > showing up as /dev/ttymxc2. When I try to run mmcli -L or 
> > > > > ModemManager –debug the message “Could not acquire the 
> > > > > 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1'
> > > > > service name” is showing up. How to connect my Linux modem 
> > > > > device
> > > > > /dev/ttymxc2 to ModemManger? I appreciate very much help from 
> > > > > you.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Do you have the DBus daemon running in your system?
> > > > ModemManager
> > > > will grab the "org.freedesktop.ModemManager1" name in the system 
> > > > bus exposed by DBus; mmcli talks to ModemManager through that 
> > > > bus.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --
> > > > Aleksander
> > > >
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > ModemManager-devel mailing list
> > > > ModemManager-devel at
> > > >
> > > > el
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