MMKernelDevice ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM property isn't set anymore

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Thu May 4 08:42:55 UTC 2017

On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Aleksander Morgado
<aleksander at> wrote:
>>> > > We need to fix this; we shouldn't be relying on a systemd
>>> > > property. I
>>> > > originally thought this was provided by udev itself... although
>>> > > with
>>> > > the systemd/udev development being done together, it may actually
>>> > > be
>>> > > a
>>> > > packaging decision; no idea.
>>> >
>>> > I think it originally was a udev property.  And I see it's still
>>> > provided by systemd-udev, so I'd expect it to be present if udev is
>>> > installed...
>>> In my Arch system, it looks like it's the "systemd" package is the
>>> one
>>> installing that file.
>> Does Arch have a separate udev package then?  If so, that would seem
>> like a packaging bug.  In Fedora we have "systemd" and "systemd-udev"
>> as separate packages, and systemd-udev owns the udev rules.
>> That said, our systemd-udev package depends on the systemd package, so
>> in the end it doesn't make a difference on an installed system.
> Looks like there's no udev package actually in Arch either; so
> everything is installed by systemd...

In Gentoo they package systemd's udev separately, and they do include
the serial rules file in the udev package, so we're good in that


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