Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Sun May 14 17:32:02 UTC 2017

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:40 PM,  <colin.helliwell at ln-systems.com> wrote:
> I've been finding today that I'm getting failed connection attempts  - it
> looks like MM is checking the PDP ("+CGDACT?") whilst ppp/modem are still in
> the process of getting themselves together. So MM is getting back an
> 'inactive' response and, I think ditching the attempt.
> I've increased BEARER_CONNECTION_MONITOR_TIMEOUT and that seems to address
> it.
> Not sure if the time taken is down to the Operator or to signal quality
> (which isn't great here), but wondered if it was a situation other people
> encounter?

So, even if the ATD call succeeded, the PDP context status reported
via AT+CGACT? still said disconnected, and we abort the connection
attempt? We should definitely increase that timeout, at least for the
first time it is checked (e.g. 30s before the first check, then a
check every 5s). What do you think?


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