[PATCH] telit: manage QSS transistions

Carlo Lobrano c.lobrano at gmail.com
Sat May 27 17:17:50 UTC 2017

​> We're trying to move away from GSimpleAsyncResult, how about using
> GTask? If you have any doubt or not sure how to do it, leave it with
> GSimpleAsyncResult and I'll do the port to GTask as a follow up patch,
> so that you can see what the changes were; it really is very easy, you
> can check Ben's last emails doing lots of these GTask ports.

Sure, I'll try myself first ;)

> We usually set unsolicited messages in both primary and secondary
> always, and given that now you've implemented stateful transitions for
> QSS, we could have them in both. What do you think?

makes sense, as well as using QSS_STATUS_SIM_UNKNOWN​
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