[PATCH] mm-base-manager: ref MMDevice before releasing port

Eric Caruso ejcaruso at chromium.org
Wed Feb 21 21:49:34 UTC 2018

Releasing the port on the device looks benign but because it emits
a signal, it could call device_context_port_released and unref the
MMDevice in port_context_unref. This means the MMDevice might be
disposed before we get to the g_object_ref and the subsequent call
to g_hash_table_remove will try to hash a null string, which makes
MM crash.
 src/mm-base-manager.c | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mm-base-manager.c b/src/mm-base-manager.c
index 4b92ab0b..7738ce0d 100644
--- a/src/mm-base-manager.c
+++ b/src/mm-base-manager.c
@@ -220,28 +220,28 @@ device_removed (MMBaseManager  *self,
         /* Handle tty/net/wdm port removal */
         device = find_device_by_port (self, kernel_device);
         if (device) {
+            /* The callbacks triggered when the port is released or device support is
+             * cancelled may end up unreffing the device or removing it from the HT, and
+             * so in order to make sure the reference is still valid when we call
+             * support_check_cancel() and g_hash_table_remove(), we hold a full reference
+             * ourselves. */
+            g_object_ref (device);
             mm_info ("(%s/%s): released by device '%s'", subsys, name, mm_device_get_uid (device));
             mm_device_release_port (device, kernel_device);
             /* If port probe list gets empty, remove the device object iself */
             if (!mm_device_peek_port_probe_list (device)) {
-                /* The callback triggered when the device support is cancelled may end up
-                 * removing the device from the HT, and that was the last full reference
-                 * we kept. So, in order to make sure the reference is still valid after
-                 * support_check_cancel(), we hold a full reference ourselves. */
                 mm_dbg ("Removing empty device '%s'", mm_device_get_uid (device));
-                g_object_ref (device);
-                {
-                    if (mm_plugin_manager_device_support_check_cancel (self->priv->plugin_manager, device))
-                        mm_dbg ("Device support check has been cancelled");
-                    /* The device may have already been removed from the tracking HT, we
-                     * just try to remove it and if it fails, we ignore it */
-                    mm_device_remove_modem (device);
-                    g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->devices, mm_device_get_uid (device));
-                }
-                g_object_unref (device);
+                if (mm_plugin_manager_device_support_check_cancel (self->priv->plugin_manager, device))
+                    mm_dbg ("Device support check has been cancelled");
+                /* The device may have already been removed from the tracking HT, we
+                 * just try to remove it and if it fails, we ignore it */
+                mm_device_remove_modem (device);
+                g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->devices, mm_device_get_uid (device));
+            g_object_unref (device);

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