ANN: ModemManager 1.7.990 (1.8-rc1) released

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Sun Jan 21 22:05:45 UTC 2018

Hey hey,

This 1.7.990 version, tagged as 1.8-rc1, is the first release candidate version for the next 1.8.0 stable release, which will be the base for the next stable 1.8.x series.

The following notes are directed to package maintainers.

 * This version requires:
   ** GLib 2.36.0
   ** gettext 0.19.8 (for the optional rebuild of documentation)
   ** libmbim >= 1.16.0 (for the optional MBIM support)
   ** libqmi >= 1.20.0 (for the optional QMI support)
   ** libsystemd >= 209 or libsystemd-login >= 183 (for the optional suspend and resume support)
   ** libsystemd >= 209 (for the optional systemd journal support)
   ** polkit >= 0.97 (for the optional PolicyKit support)

 * This version no longer requires:
   ** intltool (replaced by new features in gettext)

 * Distributions using systemd should explicitly use the following configure options:
   ** '--with-systemd-suspend-resume': the only supported source for suspend and resume events is now systemd, so the previous '--with-suspend-resume=[]' option was renamed.
   ** '--with-systemd-journal' to use the new journal support.

 * Distributions wanting to avoid ModemManager poking TTY ports that isn't supposed to touch may start using the new 'STRICT' filter policy, given as an option to the ModemManager daemon (e.g. patching the default systemd service file provided). See the full NEWS file in git for more info about the filter policy and the side effects of using the STRICT approach.
   ** E.g. ModemManager --filter-policy=STRICT

The full NEWS file is available in git master:

Please, grab this version and start integrating it in your distributions and custom systems, test with all your devices, and provide feedback better sooner than later.



Download here:

Verify it:
    $ md5sum ModemManager-1.7.990.tar.xz 
    b050387fdee6ca3530282de338ab94e4  ModemManager-1.7.990.tar.xz



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