ANN: ModemManager 1.7.991 (1.8-rc2) released

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Tue Mar 27 11:44:00 UTC 2018

Hey hey,

This 1.7.991 version, tagged as 1.8-rc2, is the second release candidate version for the next 1.8.0 stable release, which will be the base for the next stable 1.8.x series.

The changes w.r.t. the 1.8-rc1 version are:
  * Added improvements and fixes in the MBIM bearer connection/disconnection logic.
  * Fixed reloading detailed signal quality status in AT-based modems.
  * Avoided depending on GLib headers in the ModemManager daemon API headers.
  * Fixed EPS registration status in QMI modems.
  * Added stability fixes in the base modem manager.
  * Always rebuild libmm-glib types info in docs.
  * Added indonesian translation.
  * Other minor fixes.

Unless anything urgent to fix is detected, this may be the last RC before 1.8.0.



Download here:

Verify it:
    $ md5sum ModemManager-1.7.991.tar.xz 
    4efe6a240cef212bf8855c95424e7c7f  ModemManager-1.7.991.tar.xz


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