[review] LTE attach config and status

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Wed Nov 28 10:52:11 UTC 2018


> I agree with Matthew. Both, the simple and non-simple interface should allow to explicitly set the CID. Having this implemented, all these odd configurations can be handled.

If we modified the logic to assume CID=1 as default lte attach bearer
settings in selected modems, we could still manage this using the new
SetInitialEpsBearerProperties() method instead of allowing the user to
selectively use a specific CID. This would allow us to e.g. explicitly
unregister from the network and re-register with the new settings, if
the modem doesn't do that by itself, something that isn't covered by
the old simple and bearer APIs. I believe that would allow us to have
a single way of changing those settings with all modems, instead of
using one way with some modems and another way for other modems.


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