u-blox LARA0-R2 (R280) not worrking with MM 1.10

Brendan Simon (eTRIX) brendan.simon at etrix.com.au
Mon Apr 29 04:12:28 UTC 2019

I can't get the u-blox LARA R2 device working with ModemManager 1.10.

I've tried a Debian Buster (aka Testing) distro that uses ModemManager
1.10 (and kernel 4.19).  The serial devices are present but `mmcli -L`
does not show any modems.

I've also tried the latest Ubuntu 19.04 Disco release (VM image from
osboxes.org).  It also has ModemManager 1.10 (and kernel 5.0.0) and it
also does not work.  i.e. the serial devices are present but `mmcli -L`
does not show any modems.

The only system that I've got to work is Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic, which uses
ModemManager 1.8.2 (and kernel 4.18.0).

My guess is that something is broken in ModemManager 1.10 (or some
related package or dependency).  Can someone confirm that please.  Is
there anything I can do to test or provide debug info for this.  I need
to get this working with Debian Buster and MM 1.10.


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