Connected with Gobi drivers but cannot access internet

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Tue Dec 10 09:11:45 UTC 2019

> Interestingly the MC7430 works fine with MM and GobiNet/GobiSerial, so maybe the EM7565 with PPP is just a no go.
> I am using the Gobi drivers because I have been experiencing a crash when using the EM7565 and Sierra Wireless support said they cannot help unless I use their Gobi drivers.

We need to solve this somehow. I'm tired of hearing that from Sierra,
and the only reason they cannot debug modem traces is because they
didn't bother trying to run the program that reads the traces from the
diag port when using the upstream drivers instead of
GobiNet/GobiSerial. I don't think there is any technical reason
preventing that from happening (using the trace downloader tool on the
diag port while MM is running), so I really think we should find and
document the process clearly.

> I have been documenting it here, and now doing some tests to determine if it has more to do with the USB3 host controller than the modem:
> Best,
> Nick
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