Connect Cinterion modem with SWWAN fails with unknown error

matthew stanger stangerm2 at
Fri Feb 1 15:40:12 UTC 2019

There are a few things we can do from here:

   1. I can give you a simple patch to turn off SWWAN so you can just use
   ppp. This doesn't really help the greater good but will get you going on
   the issue.
   2. You'd be the first out of the EU but I have seen carriers(in Asia)
   requiring LTE modems to use PDP 1 for connections & there was a chat about
   this very thing just a few months ago on ML. In you log's the SWWAN
   attempts haven't tried context 1, but if this is the case I have two
   out-of-band patches that can handle this. To test this out on the ARM
   target you'd do the following:
   1. Stop ModemManager
      2. Get to an AT cmd terminal, ie. 'minicom --device /dev/ttyACM1'
      3. Run the following at cmd's to clear out all your contexts,
      AT+CGDCONT=1 (for 1 to 6). When you run AT+CGDCONT? You should see no
      context's set, adjust numbering if need be.
      4. Run the following cmds, AT+CGDCONT=1, "IP4V6","internet" and then
      run AT^SWWAN=1,1,1 (you'll get OK if the SWWAN connects). If it connects
      then I'll get you the patches to force that logic.
   3. Cinterion was nice enough to send me a ELS61, so in a few more day's
   I'll be able to run through troubleshooting that modem with the SWWAN
   plugin. If there is a issue with the SWWAN logic I'll be pushing a patch,
   but I can't promise how fast that will happen so you might be waiting for a
   little while.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 2:54 AM Ana Rodriguez Lopez <
rodrilopez.ana at> wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> you are right, I used two different connection settings. Both of them
> work with my computer ( x86_64) and ModemManager version 1.6.4-1 (see
> logs attached). In this case I used the command `mmcli -m 0
> --simple-connect="pin=0000,apn=internet"` twice and `mmcli -m 0
> --simple-connect="pin=0000,apn=surfo2"` only once.
> With the other hardware (armv5tejl) and ModemManager version 1.8.2-1 it
> doesn't work. I attached the error log, where I tried 3 times the `mmcli
> -m 0 --simple-connect="pin=0000,apn=internet"` command.
> Thanks,
> Ana
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