Connect Cinterion modem with SWWAN fails with unknown error

matthew stanger stangerm2 at
Tue Jan 29 19:20:56 UTC 2019

Hi Ana,

There are quite a few things that catch my eye here. First there are many
AT cmds that need to be updated for this specific modem, many
proprietary AT cmds have changed. Still the SWWAN connection interface is
pretty basic and as-is I think it should be able to work. It'd be great if
you could verify your connection settings(APN) to start with, as I'm seeing
a mismatch in information. The first log you gave shows 'internet' being
used for the APN during your connection attempt, while the second log
show's 'surfo2', but your actually registering to a home network on the
E-Plus carrier. Online searches on my end show settings for that carrier
more like, but please confirm with your carrier:
<apn carrier="E-Plus Internet" carrier_id = "1453" mcc="262" mnc="03" apn="" user="eplus" password="internet" authtype="1"
type="default,supl" />
> With this command, connecting the modem to a different device
> (ModemManager version 1.6.4-1 and different hardware, USB 2.0), the
> modem connects normally.

The different versions use different connection methods, the SWWAN
interface (added in 1.8) is to support LTE bandwidth data transfers. Since
this modem is a CAT1 device though, ie more limited LTE bandwidth, it might
be okay to use the generic Cinterion setup with ppp. Before attempting an
out of band patch to force that it'd be great to:

   1. Get logs of 1.6 where the connection attempt works
   2. Verify the connection settings above


On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 5:39 AM Ana Rodriguez Lopez <
rodrilopez.ana at> wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> I attached to this email a longer log. There are several connection
> trials, one of them triggered by means of `mmcli -m 0
> --simple-connect="pin=0000,apn=internet"`.
> With this command, connecting the modem to a different device
> (ModemManager version 1.6.4-1 and different hardware, USB 2.0), the
> modem connects normally.
> Please let me know if you need more logs or if I should try something
> specific.
> Cheers,
> Ana
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