Random MM and/or qmi-proxy hang?

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Wed Mar 13 10:35:49 UTC 2019


> This is RHEL7 so I’m using the 1.6 branch of MM and 1.18.0 libqmi; for MM I tried building our own 1.16.4 when we suspected MM being the core issue, with no change in behavior.

Hard to say what the issue is, but you're really using somewhat old
versions. Any chance you can upgrade them to MM 1.10.0 and libqmi
1.22.2? They should be totally compatible.

> Any thoughts? Wanted to see about putting qmi-proxy in debug mode but I’m not sure how to do that when it’s already running (spawned by MM). Out of ~200 units I’ve got MM debug logging enabled on, 3-4 would get into this state after 24 hours, so reproducibility is a problem; haven’t found a way to trigger this condition on cue yet. As background info, each unit (3500 out there) has two Sierra modems, could be any combination of MC7700, MC7750, MC7354 talking to AT&T or Verizon, both LTE and 3G.

You can run the qmi-proxy with verbose info by manually starting it
BEFORE MM is started.
$ sudo systemctl stop ModemManager
$ sudo /usr/libexect/qmi-proxy --no-exit --verbose >
/tmp/qmi-proxy-verbose.log 2>&1 &
$ sudo systemctl start ModemManager


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