Regression regarding ip_type when updating from 1.10.4 to 1.12.0

Andreas Fett a.fett at
Thu Nov 14 22:28:23 UTC 2019

Hi Dan,

thank you for your feedback.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 03:24:35PM -0600, Dan Williams wrote:
> Aleksander: we should probably fine-tune the logic something like this:
> 1) bearer default_ip_family follows what the modem is capable of via
> AT+CGDCONT=? or the equivalent; eg if the modem has V4V6 contexts then
> we default to IPV4V6.
> 2) If the user passes a specific IP family for the bearer, fail if that
> family is not successfully connected (as we do now?)
> 3) If the user passes ANY:
>   3a) use the default_ip_family (no change)
>   3b) the modem accepts whatever connect result happens, eg if v4 or
> v6-only that's fine, don't fail.
>   3c) if the connection result failed because the network rejected a
> V4V6 request for example, or the default_ip_family is V4 but the APN
> only accepts V6, then should we retry with V4?

My concern is to get Dualstack if available and any kind of Connectivity
if it's not.

So I like your outline above very much and if ModemManager could guarantee
that behaviour independetly of the actual modem driver I'd happily switch
to pass ANY in the bearer an be done with it.


The three chief virtues of a programmer are:
Laziness, Impatience and Hubris. -- Larry Wall
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