IPv6 support in the openwrt protocol handler

Bjørn Mork bjorn at mork.no
Wed Oct 23 08:35:01 UTC 2019

Aleksander Morgado <aleksander at aleksander.es> writes:

> Hey Nick,
> Before the openwrt packages were integrated in the official packages
> repo, we received a merge request adding some IPv6 support to the
> modemmanager protocol handler.
> Please look at this patch in case you want to get that integrated:
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/aleksm/mobile-broadband-openwrt/commit/9234ce19c00cf2067d7ea48844569ae2fd135033

Now I haven't tested this at all, so I might be missing
something.... But the patch has a

	if [ "$iptype" = "ipv6" -o "$iptype" = "ipv4v6" ]; then
           .. lotsofstuff
           .. otherstuff

This looks wrong, and like it might potentionally break IPv4 in the
"ipv4v6" case.  Or is that still handled somehow?

There are also som minor nits like requiring "bearer.ipv6-config.method"
for IPv6 just for the

  echo "connection setup required in interface ${beareriface}: ${bearermethod}"

when in fact only "static" is supported for IPv6. Which I guess is fine
by itself. "dhcp" doesn't make much sense. But I believe "ppp" at least
should spit out an "unsupported" warning or similar.  OpenWrt users have
been known to try dual stack over PPP in the past :-)


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