bearer verbose call end reason (3,1028): [cm] (null)

Sven Schwermer sven at
Tue Oct 29 14:02:14 UTC 2019


I’m currently investigating why my Quectel EG91-E modem (QMI) sometimes drops the connection. At the respective times, I can find the following lines in the logs:

bearer call end reason (1): 'generic-unspecified'
bearer verbose call end reason (3,1028): [cm] (null)

Now unfortunately, there is no string representation for (3,1028) and I couldn’t find more info online either—partly because I didn’t know what to search for. Perhaps, anyone here has access to this type of documentation which could explain this call end?

I have attached the debug-level log. I’m using ModemManager 1.10.0.

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Best regards,
Sven Schwermer

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