Huawei ME909s-120 modem goes offline and disappears

Bruno Vetter bruno.vetter at
Mon Jan 20 14:48:45 UTC 2020

> Maybe you could add an additional patch in your system build in order
> to e.g. add some specific log on MM daemon boot or something? Just to
> make sure the build is picking your patches.

Before I do that, please check the following. I saw the following line in your patch:
mm_dbg ("(Huawei) %s interface description: %s", mm_port_probe_get_port_name (probe), description);

So I checked if something like 'interface description' is found
either in the debug log or in the binary libraries. With the
image I built recently (creating the debug logs I attached to
my last mail) I did not find this string.

Now I have rebuilt the image from scratch after deleting my Yocto
build directory and I installed it. Look at this command line:
root at a1f0e27:/usr/lib/ModemManager# strings | grep 'interface description:'
(Huawei) %s interface description: %s

Tell me if I am wrong, but my impression is that at least the huawei
plugin should be up to date this time.

The modem is online since one hour now, I will wait and see if that

I have attached the new debug logs to this mail. Could you check if
anything is in there that tells us whether the patch is correctly built?

If not, it would be great to have some more advice regarding where to put
additional debug log statements.

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