libmbim 1.24.0 slowing down MM startup

Amol Lad Amol.Lad at
Tue Jul 7 12:07:05 UTC 2020

Hi Aleksander,

I'm testing 1.14.0 and finding that libmbim has significantly slowed down MM startup. I'm using EM7565 in MBIM mode. Please see below snippets from log which highlight the delay. As you can see "couldn't load carrier config; couldn't load SUPL; assistance data" are causing this slowness.

MM 1.12.6 or MM 1.14.0 + libmbim 1.24.0

Jul  7 11:42:59 [6570]: <info>  [modem0] QMI-based capability and mode switching support enabled
Jul  7 11:43:04 [6570]: <warn>  [modem0] couldn't load carrier config: Operation timed out
Jul  7 11:43:05 [6570]: <warn>  [modem0/sim0] couldn't load list of emergency numbers: Failed to parse CRSM query result '+CRSM: 148,8,""'
Jul  7 11:43:15 [6570]: <warn>  [modem0] couldn't load SUPL server: Failed to receive indication with the current server settings
Jul  7 11:43:25 [6570]: <warn>  [modem0] couldn't load supported assistance data types: Failed to receive indication with the predicted orbits data source
Jul  7 11:43:25 [6570]: <info>  [modem0] state changed (unknown -> disabled)

MM 1.12.6 + libmbim 1.22.0

Jul  7 11:38:45 [6529]: <info>  QMI-based capability and mode switching support enabled
Jul  7 11:38:46 [6529]: <warn>  couldn't load list of Emergency Numbers: 'Failed to parse CRSM query result '+CRSM: 148,8,""''
Jul  7 11:38:46 [6529]: <info>  Modem: state changed (unknown -> disabled)

Bearer connection is also slow with libmbim 1.24.0. If I switch to 1.22.0 in below then delay between registered and connect is not seen

MM 1.12.6 + libmbim 1.24.0

Jul  7 12:00:21 [6548]: <info>  Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: 3GPP Registration state changed (unknown -> registering)
Jul  7 12:00:21 [6548]: <info>  Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: 3GPP Registration state changed (registering -> home)
Jul  7 12:00:21 [6548]: <info>  Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (enabled -> registered)
Jul  7 12:00:47 [6548]: <info>  Simple connect state (6/8): Bearer
Jul  7 12:00:47 [6548]: <info>  Simple connect state (7/8): Connect
Jul  7 12:00:47 [6548]: <info>  Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (registered -> connecting)
Jul  7 12:00:51 [6548]: <info>  Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (connecting -> connected)

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