Reloading stats failed: QMI operation failed: Transaction timed out

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Mon Jul 13 15:08:49 UTC 2020


> ModemManager - 1.10.8 ( Ubuntu 16.06.4)  running on a Sierra Wireless EM74xx modem
> Couldn't load extended signal information: No way to load extended signal information
> ModemManager[1222]: <warn>  Couldn't load extended signal information: Couldn't peek QMI port
> ModemManager[1222]: <warn>  Reloading stats failed: QMI operation failed: Transaction timed out
> After this error, the ModemManager doesn't recover until a modem reset is performed. The modem is in a kind of locked state.
> The IP is still existing and restarting the ModemManager or the system is not helping out.
> What does the above error mean and is Modem Reset the only option to bring the modem out of this state ?

The above error means that the query to reload statistics didn't
finish properly because the response from the modem was not received.
That, by itself, may not be a problem, but what you're experiencing
surely seems like a problem in the QMI communication overall. Without
a ModemManager debug log it's hard to say what the actual problem is,

My suggestion is to upgrade ModemManager to at least 1.12.x and retry
running the daemon with --debug. You can use my 16.04 PPA here, which
doesn't have the latest MM version, but at least is newer than the one
you're using:


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