Adding Telit ME310G1-WW support

Daniele Palmas dnlplm at
Mon Jul 13 17:04:26 UTC 2020

Hi Mark,

Il giorno lun 13 lug 2020 alle ore 15:17 Mark Deneen
<mdeneen at> ha scritto:
> Daniele,
> > @Mark, did you check if there's a more recent firmware update than the
> > one you are using?
> I'm running 37.00.210-B038-P0C.210000, but I'm having trouble
> understanding if any of the available firmware releases apply to the
> model number that I have.  Regardless, the firmware seems only made
> available as Windows binaries and my modem is soldered to a board with
> an ARM processor.  Is there a way to update the firmware in Linux?  I
> have used the HE910 module in the past and was able to flash firmware
> from an ARM-based Linux platform, but perhaps they do things
> differently now.

better reach directly Telit TS for both the things.


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