5G support in MBIM

Hagstrom, Walter Walter.Hagstrom at digi.com
Wed Sep 23 11:54:13 UTC 2020


I have an EM9190 Sierra Wireless 5G modem, this modem only supports MBIM and not QMI; when I make a 5G connection (I can see via !gstatus the modem is connected on 5G), MBIM does not advertise any 5G capabilities nor does it show the access technology is 5G.  I was wondering  if there was any support  for 5G in MBIM and if anyone was working on it.

# mbimcli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --query-device-caps
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Device capabilities retrieved:
              Device type: 'embedded'
           Cellular class: 'gsm'
              Voice class: 'no-voice'
                SIM class: 'removable'
               Data class: 'umts, hsdpa, hsupa, lte'
                 SMS caps: 'pdu-receive, pdu-send'
                Ctrl caps: 'reg-manual'
             Max sessions: '15'
        Custom data class: 'unknown'
                Device ID: '351735110101165'
            Firmware info: ''
            Hardware info: 'EM9190'

# mmcli -m "$INDEX" --command=!gstatus?
response: '!GSTATUS:
Current Time:  54245            Temperature: 33
Modem Mitigate Level: 0         ModemProc Mitigate Level: 0
Reset Counter: 1                Mode:        ONLINE
System mode:   ENDC             PS state:    Attached
LTE band:      B3               LTE bw:      10 MHz
LTE Rx chan:   1575             LTE Tx chan: 19575
EMM state:     Registered       Normal Service
RRC state:     RRC Connected
IMS reg state: NOT REGISTERED   IMS mode:    Normal

PCC RxM RSSI:  -51              PCC RxM RSRP:  -69
PCC RxD RSSI:  ---              PCC RxD RSRP:  ---
Tx Power:      -44              TAC:         0001 (1)
RSRQ (dB):     -6.5             Cell ID:     01a2d001 (27447297)
SINR (dB):     30.0

NR5G band:       n41                    NR5G bw:         100 MHz
NR5G Rx chan:    518598         NR5G Tx chan:    518598
NR5G RSRP (dBm): -74            NR5G RSRQ (dB):  -11
NR5G SINR (dB):  ---            '


Walter Hagstrom
186 Lincoln St, 8th floor, Boston, MA 02111

E: walter.hagstrom at digi.com<mailto:walter.hagstrom at digi.com>
O: +1 781 693 2850 | M: +1 617 967 3118
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