could not grab port cdc-wdm0: Cannot add port 'usbmisc/cdc-wdm0', unhandled port
Juan A. Rubio
jarubio2001 at
Fri Aug 13 14:54:13 UTC 2021
I have a system with MM 1.16.4 (NM 1.20.4) and I'm facing some
problems with my SIMCOM SIM7600G-H
In some systems, I get a successful activation of the cdc-wdm0 device
and the wwan0 interface comes up and in some other systems, cdc-wdm0
fails to be grabbed/activated and the wwan0 stays down.
I'm attaching the success and failure logs.
Any clues on where the issue might lie, or where to look for more
info, would be really appreciated.
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