dell branded DW5829e (T77W968) FCC unlock failed

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Sun Jul 4 21:05:39 UTC 2021

Hey Sven,

> i'm stuck on activating the wwan card.
> I know there is a dell customer kit (win only/dell supported laptop) and this issue as been already discussed. [1]
> I'm running modemmanager 1.16.6 and libqmi 1.28.6 containing the FCC unlock bits.
> error:
> ModemManager[133848]: <debug> [1625220976.150570] [modem0] couldn't run FCC unlock: QMI protocol error (17): 'MissingArgument'

There are 2 different FCC unlock operations implemented in MM 1.16.6;
the original one we wrote for Sierra re-branded modules, and the new
one we wrote for Foxconn modules. This second one is only enabled for
selected devices, and the one you're using isn't included yet.

Could you run manually the following commands?

$ sudo qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p
--dms-foxconn-set-fcc-authentication=0 --verbose
$ sudo mmcli -m 0 --enable


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