Problem with update_modem_unlock_retries in MBIM code

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Tue Jun 29 07:44:33 UTC 2021


> I've found that calling mm_iface_modem_update_unlock_retries from pin_set_enter_ready causes a notification to be sent to the UI with invalid number of unlock attempts on MBIM modems.

Could you please provide a full debug log showing this issue? We need
to understand what info is the wrong one being notified.

> Other modems do not call this function directly but rely on a common call to mm_iface_modem_update_lock_info from send_pin_ready (mm-base-sim.c)

That's because other modems don't report the amount of remaining
attempts directly in the PIN unlock attempt response. If you ask me,
what we're doing is fine; unless some bug of course. We need to
understand why.

> Can you please take a look at the following patch and tell whether we can get rid of it?

I'm not completely sure we should remove that, until we get a clear
picture of where and why it's failing. Could you please move this
discussion to gitlab issues? or, push the patch as a merge request and
we can further discuss that there once you have the debug log.



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