AW: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed''

Federico Murciano Federico.Murciano at
Mon Mar 1 11:11:13 UTC 2021

The same happens if I try with:

sudo qmi-network /dev/cdc-wdm0 start

Profile at '/etc/qmi-network.conf' not found...
Checking data format with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wda-get-data-format '...
Device link layer protocol retrieved: raw-ip
Getting expected data format with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-expected-data-format'...
Expected link layer protocol retrieved: raw-ip
Device and kernel link layer protocol match: raw-ip
Starting network with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-start-network=  --client-no-release-cid '...
error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed'
call end reason (1): generic-unspecified
verbose call end reason (2,208): [internal] pdn-ipv4-call-disallowed
Saving state at /tmp/qmi-network-state-cdc-wdm0... (CID: 17)
error: network start failed, no packet data handle
Clearing state at /tmp/qmi-network-state-cdc-wdm0...
edge2 at dai-edge2:~$ 

Federico Murciano

B.Sc. Telecommunications Engineer
federico.murciano at
Tel. +49 (0) 30/314 -74 025
Future in touch
Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät IV – Elektrotechnik & Informatik Sekretariat TEL 14 Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin, Germany
DAI-Labor - Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Chief Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sahin Albayrak

Von: ModemManager-devel <modemmanager-devel-bounces at> im Auftrag von Federico Murciano <Federico.Murciano at>
Gesendet: Montag, 1. März 2021 11:20
An: Giacinto Cifelli
Cc: modemmanager-devel at
Betreff: AW: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed''

Hello everyone,

Could someone help me with what is going wrong? I am still having problems when I try to connect the Modem. I follow the steps:

Sudo mmcli -i 0 --pin=xxxx                                                                                                          Enter PIN SIM
Sudo mmcli -m 1 --enable --timeout=120                                                                              Enable Modem
sudo mmcli -m 1 --simple-connect="apn=internet.telekom"                                                     Connect modem to APN

After this step I always get the error:

error: couldn't connect the modem: 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.libqmi.Error.Protocol.CallFailed: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed''

It looks like it is connecting right but then this error happens and I dont achieve to set the status = Connected, even if I have already an IP from the operator:

+CGPADDR: 1,","

I get the following logs from ModemManager:

ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789165] [modem0] user request to connect modem
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.789225] [modem0] simple connect started...
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789242] [modem0]    PIN: unspecified
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789255] [modem0]    operator ID: unspecified
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789267] [modem0]    allowed roaming: yes
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789277] [modem0]    APN: internet.telekom
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789289] [modem0]    IP family: unspecified
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789300] [modem0]    allowed authentication: unspecified
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789310] [modem0]    User: unspecified
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789320] [modem0]    Password: unspecified
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.789330] [modem0] simple connect state (4/8): wait to get fully enabled
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.789356] [modem0] simple connect state (5/8): register
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789379] [modem0] already registered automatically in network '26201', automatic registration not launched...
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.789400] [modem0] simple connect state (6/8): bearer
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789414] [modem0] creating new bearer...
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.789602] [modem0] simple connect state (7/8): connect
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789673] [modem0/bearer2] connecting...
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.789698] [modem0] state changed (registered -> connecting)
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789855] [modem0/bearer2] launching connection with QMI port (cdc-wdm0) and data port (wwan0)
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789887] [modem0/bearer2] no specific IP family requested, defaulting to ipv4
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789913] [modem0/bearer2] defaulting to use static IP method
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.789927] [modem0/bearer2] running IPv4 connection setup
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic response (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<<   length  = 19
<<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
<<<<<<   service = "wds"
<<<<<<   client  = 19
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<<   flags       = "response"
<<<<<<   transaction = 4
<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 7
<<<<<<   message     = "Set Event Report" (0x0001)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
<<<<<<   length     = 4
<<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
<<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.806193] [modem0/bearer2] starting IPv4 connection...
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 32
<<<<<<   data   = 01:1F:00:00:01:13:00:05:00:20:00:13:00:14:10:00:69:6E:74:65:72:6E:65:74:2E:74:65:6C:65:6B:6F:6D
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent generic request (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<<   length  = 31
<<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
<<<<<<   service = "wds"
<<<<<<   client  = 19
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<<   flags       = "none"
<<<<<<   transaction = 5
<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 19
<<<<<<   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "APN" (0x14)
<<<<<<   length     = 16
<<<<<<   value      = 69:6E:74:65:72:6E:65:74:2E:74:65:6C:65:6B:6F:6D
<<<<<<   translated = internet.telekom
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 20
<<<<<<   data   = 01:13:00:80:01:13:04:03:00:01:00:07:00:20:04:00:05:00:00:00
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<<   length  = 19
<<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
<<<<<<   service = "wds"
<<<<<<   client  = 19
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<<   flags       = "indication"
<<<<<<   transaction = 3
<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 7
<<<<<<   message     = "Event Report" (0x0001)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "Preferred Data System" (0x20)
<<<<<<   length     = 4
<<<<<<   value      = 05:00:00:00
<<<<<<   translated = lte
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.838197] [modem0/bearer2] got QMI WDS event report
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<<   length = 39
<<<<<<   data   = 01:26:00:80:01:13:02:05:00:20:00:1A:00:02:04:00:01:00:0E:00:01:04:00:00:00:00:00:10:02:00:01:00:11:04:00:02:00:F1:00
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic response (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<<   length  = 38
<<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
<<<<<<   service = "wds"
<<<<<<   client  = 19
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<<   flags       = "response"
<<<<<<   transaction = 5
<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 26
<<<<<<   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
<<<<<<   length     = 4
<<<<<<   value      = 01:00:0E:00
<<<<<<   translated = FAILURE: CallFailed
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "Packet Data Handle" (0x01)
<<<<<<   length     = 4
<<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
<<<<<<   translated = 0
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "Call End Reason" (0x10)
<<<<<<   length     = 2
<<<<<<   value      = 01:00
<<<<<<   translated = generic-unspecified
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<<   type       = "Verbose Call End Reason" (0x11)
<<<<<<   length     = 4
<<<<<<   value      = 02:00:F1:00
<<<<<<   translated = [ type = 'internal' reason = '241' ]

ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.870437] [modem0/bearer2] couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed'
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.870515] [modem0/bearer2] call end reason (1): generic-unspecified
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.870552] [modem0/bearer2] verbose call end reason (2,241): [internal] interface-in-use-config-match
ModemManager[485235]: <warn>  [1614593449.870622] [modem0/bearer2] connection attempt #1 failed: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed'
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.870858] [modem0] state changed (connecting -> registered)
ModemManager[485235]: <info>  [1614593449.871341] [modem0/bearer2] connection #1 finished: duration 0s, tx: 0 bytes, rx :0 bytes
ModemManager[485235]: <debug> [1614593449.871405] [modem0] couldn't connect bearer: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed'
ModemManager[485235]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:

Federico Murciano

B.Sc. Telecommunications Engineer
federico.murciano at
Tel. +49 (0) 30/314 -74 025
Future in touch
Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät IV – Elektrotechnik & Informatik Sekretariat TEL 14 Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin, Germany
DAI-Labor - Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Chief Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sahin Albayrak

Von: ModemManager-devel <modemmanager-devel-bounces at> im Auftrag von Federico Murciano <Federico.Murciano at>
Gesendet: Samstag, 27. Februar 2021 19:39
An: Giacinto Cifelli
Cc: modemmanager-devel at
Betreff: AW: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed''

Hi Giacinto,

I will try that again!

Federico Murciano

B.Sc. Telecommunications Engineer
federico.murciano at
Tel. +49 (0) 30/314 -74 025
Future in touch
Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät IV – Elektrotechnik & Informatik Sekretariat TEL 14 Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin, Germany
DAI-Labor - Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Chief Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sahin Albayrak

Von: ModemManager-devel <modemmanager-devel-bounces at> im Auftrag von Giacinto Cifelli <gciofono at>
Gesendet: Samstag, 27. Februar 2021 18:42
An: Federico Murciano
Cc: modemmanager-devel at
Betreff: Re: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed''

Hi Federico,

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 6:16 PM Federico Murciano
<Federico.Murciano at> wrote:
> Hardware:
>     Quectel
>     RG500QEA_VH
>     firmware revision: RG500QEAAAR11A03M4G

according to the brochure it might support VoLTE.
I think the normal profile for t-mobile uses CID #2 for the combined
attach (and not CID #1).
Try to set this CID #2 empty or also with internet.telekom, and then
it might work.

Otherwise I have no other ideas :(

> System:
>     device: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-2
>     drivers: qmi_wwan, option
>     plugin: quectel
>     primary port: cdc-wdm0
>     ports: cdc-wdm0 (qmi), ttyUSB0 (qcdm), ttyUSB1 (gps), wwan0 (net)
> The result to lsusb -t is:
> edge2 at dai-edge2:~$ lsusb -t
> /:  Bus 04.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/4p, 10000M
> /:  Bus 03.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/2p, 480M
> /:  Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/10p, 5000M
>     |__ Port 2: Dev 6, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=option, 5000M
>     |__ Port 2: Dev 6, If 1, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=option, 5000M
>     |__ Port 2: Dev 6, If 2, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=option, 5000M
>     |__ Port 2: Dev 6, If 3, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=option, 5000M
>     |__ Port 2: Dev 6, If 4, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=qmi_wwan, 5000M
> /:  Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/16p, 480M

the drivers seem all ok, the device is mapped correctly.

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