NetworkManager using ModemManagers simple interface limitation?

Norbert van Bolhuis norbert.vanbolhuis at
Tue Mar 30 22:27:52 UTC 2021

Hi Aleksander,

Thanks for your answer!

interesting stuff ... it seems to be exactly what I need.

Why is "3gpp eps-ue-mode-operation" not part of the profile setting?

Is it already in a usable state?



On 3/30/21 11:35 PM, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> Hey,
>> We're using ModemManager via NetworkManager.
>> It looks like this means the "simple" interface (MMIfaceModemSimple) is used
>> This causes a connection to be setup in a simple way, e.g. via
>> enable (mm_base_modem_enable) and register
>> (register_in_3gpp_or_cdma_network).
>> I'd like to properly define PDP Context ID 1 (with AT+CGDCONT). The code
>> to do this is there (in cid_selection_3gpp_initialize_context), but this is
>> part of the "bearer" interface connect/connect_3gpp method.
>> I wonder how to make use of the cid_selection_3gpp_initialize_context code
>> somehow from NM, or if that's not possible somehow with mmcli.
>> How do I make sure "AT+CGDCONT" is done in our case (NM + MM)?
> None of that is right now possible, not with the Simple interface, not
> with any other interface. The "CID selection" logic inside the bearer
> connection logic is something done automatically and the user cannot
> right now e.g. specify which specific CID must be used for the
> connection.
> That said, please check this MR:
> where a new profile management API is being suggested that allows e.g.
> listing profiles or connecting using one specific profile. When that's
> ready, you'd be able to modify/create a profile in a specific context
> id, and then launch a connection through it. I'm working on all this
> literally right now :)

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