mbim cli - Telit LN920A connection process take more than 5 minutes
Borja Gabella
bgabella at vencoel.com
Thu Jul 6 12:24:53 UTC 2023
I am reaching out to discuss a critical situation we are facing with the LN920A module fw version M0L.010002 and mbimcli tool.
We have encountered connectivity problems with Telit LN920A module when it is connected to a MNO in Japan. The connection process takes more than 5 minutes, which is significantly longer than expected.
Please find enclosed the logs of the tests performed by the customer in their device using mbimcli (Customer-Testmbimb1.22).
We have performed tests using a PPP connection in the device of the customer, and the results have shown that the registration process is fast and efficient. We have attached the PPP log files (PPP_logs) for your reference.
Additionally, we have conducted tests with Telit Evaluation Kit in different location using mbimcli version 1.24, and the results have been successful. The connection process proceeded smoothly without any delays or issues. This further indicates that the problem may be specific to the customer's network environment or configuration. (Telit-Test-mbim1.24.24.log)
We appreciate your assistance in helping us identify the root cause of the prolonged connection time issue and finding a resolution. Please let us know if you require any further information or if there are any specific tests or diagnostics that you would like us to perform.
Many thanks
Borja Gabella
Technical Manager
M: +34 600533175 T: +34 932633354 D: Francesc Moragas, 74 Nave 4 y 5, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat 08907
www.vencoel.com<https://www.vencoel.com/?utm_source=codetwo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=web&utm_term=venco&utm_content=enlace> | www.vencoel.com/blog/<https://www.vencoel.com/blog/?utm_source=codetwo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=blogandvolts&utm_term=venco&utm_content=enlace> | linked-in<https://www.linkedin.com/company/venco-electronica/> | Pol?tica de privacidad<https://www.vencoel.com/politica-de-privacidad/?utm_source=codetwo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=privacidad&utm_term=venco&utm_content=enlace>
Nuestro horario de atenci?n al cliente durante los meses de julio y agosto es de 8.00h a 15.00h.
Our customer service schedule in July and August is from 8.00h to 15.00h.
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