[Telit LE910C1-EU] ModemManager crashes when establishing online connection

Daniele Palmas dnlplm at gmail.com
Thu May 4 07:00:03 UTC 2023


Il giorno mer 3 mag 2023 alle ore 15:12 Christian Schneider
<cschneider at radiodata.biz> ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I have a Telit LE910C1-EU modem. It is recognized and calls/SMS work,
> but when I establish an online connection, eg. with
> mmcli -m 0 --simple-connect "apn=internet.telekom"
> ModemManager crashes. The error message including a few lines before are:
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] unhandled PDP type in CGDCONT=?
> reply: 'PPP'
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] unknown +CGDCONT format details for
> PDP type 'none', using defaults: minimum 1, maximum 2147483646
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] context definition format: minimum
> 1, maximum 2147483646
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] set profile state (2/8): list before
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 5
> (open)
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 4
> (close)
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT#PSNT?<CR>'
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '<CR><LF>#PSNT:
> 0,4<CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>'
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] access technology changed (unknown
> -> lte)
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] periodic signal quality and access
> technology checks scheduled
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3
> (close)
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CGDCONT?<CR>'
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '<CR><LF>+CGDCONT:
> 1,"IPV4V6","","",0,0,0,0<CR><LF>+CGDCONT:
> 2,"IPV4V6","ims","",0,0,0,0<CR><LF>+CGDCONT:
> 3,"IPV4V6","sos","",0,0,0,1<CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>'
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] set profile state (3/8): select
> profile (best)
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] found unused profile 4 (<2147483646)
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] set profile state (4/8): check
> activated profile
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] checking if profile with id '4' is
> already activated...
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 4
> (open)
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3
> (close)
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CGACT?<CR>'
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '<CR><LF>+CGACT:
> 1,1<CR><LF>+CGACT: 2,0<CR><LF>+CGACT: 3,0<CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>'
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] profile '4' is not activated:
> Profile '4' not found in CGACT? response
> ModemManager[2838]: <debug> [modem0] set profile state (6/8): store profile
> **
> ERROR:../../ModemManager-1.18.12/src/mm-broadband-modem.c:10677:modem_3gpp_profile_manager_store_profile:
> assertion failed: (ip_type != MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_NONE)
> Aborted
> mm seems to have trouble with this Profile stuff, but not sure if this
> is directly related to the crash.

With main I can't replicate the issue: when not declaring the ip-type,
MM by default is using "IP", e.g.

$ sudo mmcli -m 0 --simple-connect "apn=web.omnitel.it"
successfully connected the modem

ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.578330] [modem0] set profile
state (2/8): list before
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.578357] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 4 (open)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.578391] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 3 (close)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.578428] [ttyUSB1/at] -->
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.619178] [ttyUSB1/at] <--
'<CR><LF>+CGDCONT: 1,"IPV4V6","","",0,0,0,0<CR><LF>+CGDCONT:
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.619435] [modem0] set profile
state (3/8): select profile (best)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.619479] [modem0] found unused
profile 3 (<24)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.619500] [modem0] set profile
state (4/8): check activated profile
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.619542] [modem0] checking if
profile with id '3' is already activated...
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.619583] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 4 (open)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.619636] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 3 (close)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.619690] [ttyUSB1/at] --> 'AT+CGACT?<CR>'
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.660510] [ttyUSB1/at] <--
'<CR><LF>+CGACT: 1,1<CR><LF>+CGACT: 2,0<CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>'
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.660768] [modem0] profile '-1'
is not activated: Profile '3' not found in CGACT? response
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.660810] [modem0] set profile
state (6/8): store profile
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.660843] [modem0] storing
profile '3': apn 'web.omnitel.it', ip type 'ipv4'
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.660893] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 4 (open)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.660948] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 3 (close)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.661010] [ttyUSB1/at] -->
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.837506] [ttyUSB1/at] <--
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.837684] [modem0] stored profile '-1'
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.837721] [modem0] set profile
state (7/8): list after
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.837782] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 4 (open)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.837842] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 3 (close)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.837903] [ttyUSB1/at] -->
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.879619] [ttyUSB1/at] <--
'<CR><LF>+CGDCONT: 1,"IPV4V6","","",0,0,0,0<CR><LF>+CGDCONT:
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.879921] [modem0] set profile
state (8/8): all done
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.879983] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 4 (open)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.880009] [modem0/bearer0]
connection through a plain serial AT port: ttyUSB1
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.880055] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 5 (open)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.880135] [ttyUSB1/at] device
open count is 4 (close)
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.880211] [ttyUSB1/at] -->
ModemManager[725461]: <dbg> [1683183155.924273] [ttyUSB1/at] <--
'<CR><LF>CONNECT 150000000<CR><LF>~\255}#\192!}!P} }9}"}&} } } }

You can try also to force the ip-type, e.g.

$ sudo mmcli -m 0 --simple-connect "apn=web.omnitel.it,ip-type=IPV4"
successfully connected the modem


> Full log is attached.
> Is this a fault in ModemManager, or is the modem doing weird stuff?
> Tracing through the output and even running mm in a debugger didn't help
> finding the route cause of the issue. I could only see, that the ip_type
> is indeed set to MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_NONE (obviously), but I couldn't
> find, where this is set/where this comes from.
> Can anybody shed some light on this?
> BR,
> Christian
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Newtonstr. 18
> 12489 Berlin
> Germany
> Homepage:              www.radiodata.biz
> USt_IdNr.:             DE 195663499
> WEEE-Reg.-Nr.:         DE 63967380
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin
> Registergericht:       Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB  Nr.: 67865
> Geschäftsführer:       Hans-Joachim Langermann, Malte Langermann

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