No IP address for a successful connection on LTE modem

Aleksander Morgado aleksandermj at
Wed Feb 14 09:24:06 UTC 2024


On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 1:49 PM Garfield Watkins
<garfield.watkins at> wrote:
> Did you connect the modem using NetworkManager (e.g. using nmcli) or
> did you connect the modem using mmcli?
> I see where you are going with this. It seems I expected more of the interaction between the ModemManager and Network Manager . To answer your question, no I have only used mmcli. Let me try the process with nmcli.

:) NM only processes the connections that have been started via NM.
There's a fundamental reason for that, which is that all the
network-specific routing is done at NM level, MM knows nothing about
it. In order for NM to know how to route traffic to through the LTE
connection, it needs to use its own connection settings.


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