Cinterion PLS63 not showing up as wwan0

Dan Williams dan at
Tue Jan 28 14:39:38 UTC 2025

On Tue, 2025-01-28 at 06:20 +0000, Brendan Simon wrote:
> IND.T Classification: External
> I am using a Debian 10 Buster Linux system with ModemManager 1.10
> (yes I know it's old, and we have tried Debian 12 Bookwork with MM
> 1.20) and cannot get a Cinterion PLS63 device to connecto the
> internet.  MM seems happy enough with it.  It is detected and I can
> show status information with mmcli command.
> I have successfully connected over many years with this setup using a
> Quectel EC21 modem, but cannot connect with this new Cinterion PLS63
> modem.
> One difference is that the device seems to show up as a network
> interface  enxNNNNNN and not wwan0 , which is what the EC21 shows up
> as.
> Is this expected?

No, if the kernel drivers have the right bits.

> Is this the issue?  If so, how can I get it to show up as a
> wwan0 device?

The kernel drivers "tag" the device as a WWAN device instead of a
regular USB Ethernet device, and that's how it gets wwan0.

These patches seems relevant and were merged for the 5.11 kernel:

I think Buster has a 4.19 kernel? I'll bet your kernel doesn't have
those two patches.


> Some posts mention udev rules and port type hints.  Is this what I
> should be looking at and are there any example or suggested settings
> for this modem?
> I tried using NetworkManger to setup a connection using the
> enx interface, but thenmtui utility did not recognise it.
> Thanks,
> Brendan.

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