Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.136468] Modem is currently registered in a 3GPP network Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.136801] Simple connect state (6/8): Bearer Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.137139] Creating new bearer... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.137463] Creating MBIM bearer in MBIM modem Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.138552] Simple connect state (7/8): Connect Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.138979] Connecting bearer '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/6' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.139388] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (registered -> connecting) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.140368] Launching connection with data port (net/wwan0) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.140754] Activating packet service... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 52 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:34:00:00:00:C0:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0A:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:04:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 52 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 192 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'packet-service' (0x0000000a) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< PacketServiceAction = 'attach' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:44:00:00:00:BF:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0B:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:14:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:63:00:00:00:05:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:FF:FF:FF:FF Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 191 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'signal-state' (0x0000000b) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> Rssi = '0' >>>>>> ErrorRate = '99' >>>>>> SignalStrengthInterval = '5' >>>>>> RssiThreshold = '2' >>>>>> ErrorRateThreshold = '4294967295' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.199164] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: signal quality updated (0) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.199501] Periodic signal quality and access technology checks scheduled Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 76 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:4C:00:00:00:C0:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0A:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:20:00:00:00:80:F0:FA:02:00:00:00:00:00:A3:E1:11:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 76 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 192 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'packet-service' (0x0000000a) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> NwError = '0' >>>>>> PacketServiceState = 'attached' >>>>>> HighestAvailableDataClass = 'lte' >>>>>> UplinkSpeed = '50000000' >>>>>> DownlinkSpeed = '300000000' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.263071] Packet service update: Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.263429] state: 'attached' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.263720] data class: 'lte' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.263788] uplink: '50000000' bps Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.263825] downlink: '300000000' bps Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.263858] Listing provisioned contexts... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 48 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:30:00:00:00:C1:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0D:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 48 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 193 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'provisioned-contexts' (0x0000000d) <<<<<< type = 'query' (0x00000000) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 128 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:80:00:00:00:C1:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0D:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:50:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:44:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E:34:00:00:00:0E:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:34:00:72:00:66:00:2E:00:63:00:6F:00:6D:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 128 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 193 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'provisioned-contexts' (0x0000000d) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> ProvisionedContextsCount = '1' >>>>>> ProvisionedContexts = '{ >>>>>> [0] = { >>>>>> ContextId = '1' >>>>>> ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' >>>>>> AccessString = '' >>>>>> UserName = '(NULL)' >>>>>> Password = '(NULL)' >>>>>> Compression = '0' >>>>>> AuthProtocol = '0' >>>>>> }, >>>>>> }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.326807] Provisioned contexts found (1): Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.326869] [1] context type: internet Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.326901] uuid: 7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.326931] access string: Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.326959] username: Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.326987] password: Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.327014] compression: none Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.327041] auth: none Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 84 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:54:00:00:00:C2:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 84 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 194 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'connect' (0x0000000c) <<<<<< type = 'query' (0x00000000) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< SessionId = '0' <<<<<< ActivationState = 'unknown' <<<<<< VoiceCallState = 'none' <<<<<< IpType = 'default' <<<<<< ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' <<<<<< NwError = '0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 84 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:54:00:00:00:C2:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 84 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 194 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'connect' (0x0000000c) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> SessionId = '0' >>>>>> ActivationState = 'deactivated' >>>>>> VoiceCallState = 'none' >>>>>> IpType = 'default' >>>>>> ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' >>>>>> NwError = '0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.390832] Session ID '0': deactivated Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.390880] No specific IP family requested, defaulting to ipv4 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.390915] Launching ipv4 connection with APN ''... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 124 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:7C:00:00:00:C3:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0C:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:4C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:3C:00:00:00:0E:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E:34:00:72:00:66:00:2E:00:63:00:6F:00:6D:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 124 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 195 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'connect' (0x0000000c) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< SessionId = '0' <<<<<< ActivationCommand = 'activate' <<<<<< AccessString = '' <<<<<< UserName = '(NULL)' <<<<<< Password = '(NULL)' <<<<<< Compression = 'none' <<<<<< AuthProtocol = 'none' <<<<<< IpType = 'ipv4' <<<<<< ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 80 >>>>>> data = 07:00:00:80:50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0C:00:00:00:24:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 80 >>>>>> type = indicate-status (0x80000007) >>>>>> transaction = 0 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'connect' (0x0000000c) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> SessionId = '0' >>>>>> ActivationState = 'activating' >>>>>> VoiceCallState = 'none' >>>>>> IpType = 'ipv4' >>>>>> ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' >>>>>> NwError = '0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.455078] Received notification (service 'basic-connect', command 'connect') Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.461445] Caught signal, shutting down... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.461529] Stopping connection in object manager server Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 84 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:54:00:00:00:C3:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 84 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 195 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'connect' (0x0000000c) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> SessionId = '0' >>>>>> ActivationState = 'activated' >>>>>> VoiceCallState = 'none' >>>>>> IpType = 'ipv4' >>>>>> ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' >>>>>> NwError = '0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.518887] Session ID '0': activated (IP type: ipv4) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.518925] Querying IP configuration... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 108 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:6C:00:00:00:C4:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0F:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:3C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 108 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 196 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'ip-configuration' (0x0000000f) <<<<<< type = 'query' (0x00000000) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< SessionId = '0' <<<<<< IPv4ConfigurationAvailable = 'none' <<<<<< IPv6ConfigurationAvailable = 'none' <<<<<< IPv4AddressCount = '0' <<<<<< IPv4Address = '{ <<<<<< }' <<<<<< IPv6AddressCount = '0' <<<<<< IPv6Address = '{ <<<<<< }' <<<<<< IPv4Gateway = '' <<<<<< IPv6Gateway = '' <<<<<< IPv4DnsServerCount = '0' <<<<<< IPv4DnsServer = '' <<<<<< IPv6DnsServerCount = '0' <<<<<< IPv6DnsServer = '' <<<<<< IPv4Mtu = '0' <<<<<< IPv6Mtu = '0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 128 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:80:00:00:00:C4:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0F:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0F:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:3C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:44:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:48:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:DC:05:00:00:00:00:00:00:1E:00:00:00:64:4B:5F:26:64:4B:5F:25:7D:16:2F:66:CB:91:A0:05 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 128 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 196 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'ip-configuration' (0x0000000f) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> SessionId = '0' >>>>>> IPv4ConfigurationAvailable = 'address, gateway, dns, mtu' >>>>>> IPv6ConfigurationAvailable = 'none' >>>>>> IPv4AddressCount = '1' >>>>>> IPv4Address = '{ >>>>>> [0] = { >>>>>> OnLinkPrefixLength = '30' >>>>>> IPv4Address = '' >>>>>> }, >>>>>> }' >>>>>> IPv6AddressCount = '0' >>>>>> IPv6Address = '{ >>>>>> }' >>>>>> IPv4Gateway = '' >>>>>> IPv6Gateway = '' >>>>>> IPv4DnsServerCount = '2' >>>>>> IPv4DnsServer = ', Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583258] IPv4 configuration available: 'address, gateway, dns, mtu' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583295] IP addresses (1) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583344] IP [0]: '' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583396] Gateway: '' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583430] DNS addresses (2) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583471] DNS [0]: '' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583517] DNS [1]: '' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583551] MTU: '1500' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583579] IPv6 configuration available: 'none' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583684] (wwan0): port now connected Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.583722] Connected bearer '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/6' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 48 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:30:00:00:00:C5:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:14:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 48 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 197 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'packet-statistics' (0x00000014) <<<<<< type = 'query' (0x00000000) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.584294] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (connecting -> connected) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.584434] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: state changed (connected -> disabling) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.584593] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: signal quality updated (0) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.584672] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: access technology changed (lte -> unknown) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.584715] Periodic signal checks disabled Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.584761] Disconnecting bearer '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/6' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.584807] Launching disconnection on data port (net/wwan0) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 108 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:6C:00:00:00:C6:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0C:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:3C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 108 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 198 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'connect' (0x0000000c) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< SessionId = '0' <<<<<< ActivationCommand = 'deactivate' <<<<<< AccessString = '(NULL)' <<<<<< UserName = '(NULL)' <<<<<< Password = '(NULL)' <<<<<< Compression = 'none' <<<<<< AuthProtocol = 'none' <<<<<< IpType = 'default' <<<<<< ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.585281] Network timezone polling stopped Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.585369] Simple connect state (8/8): All done Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 80 >>>>>> data = 07:00:00:80:50:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0C:00:00:00:24:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 80 >>>>>> type = indicate-status (0x80000007) >>>>>> transaction = 0 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'connect' (0x0000000c) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> SessionId = '0' >>>>>> ActivationState = 'deactivating' >>>>>> VoiceCallState = 'none' >>>>>> IpType = 'default' >>>>>> ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' >>>>>> NwError = '0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.648029] Received notification (service 'basic-connect', command 'connect') Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 96 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:60:00:00:00:C5:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:14:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:30:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 96 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 197 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'packet-statistics' (0x00000014) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> InDiscards = '0' >>>>>> InErrors = '0' >>>>>> InOctets = '0' >>>>>> InPackets = '0' >>>>>> OutOctets = '0' >>>>>> OutPackets = '0' >>>>>> OutErrors = '0' >>>>>> OutDiscards = '0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 84 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:54:00:00:00:C6:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:0C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:24:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:7E:5E:2A:7E:4E:6F:72:72:73:6B:65:6E:7E:5E:2A:7E:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 84 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 198 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'connect' (0x0000000c) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> SessionId = '0' >>>>>> ActivationState = 'deactivated' >>>>>> VoiceCallState = 'none' >>>>>> IpType = 'default' >>>>>> ContextType = '7e5e2a7e-4e6f-7272-736b-656e7e5e2a7e' >>>>>> NwError = '0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.775671] Session ID '0': deactivated Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.775957] (wwan0): port now disconnected Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.776262] Disconnected bearer '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/6' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.776707] Modem has voice capabilities, disabling the Voice interface... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.777018] Disabling +CLIP calling line reporting in primary port... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.777395] (ttyUSB2) device open count is 3 (open) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.778368] (ttyUSB2): --> 'AT+CLIP=0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.792386] (ttyUSB2): <-- 'OK' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.792782] Disabling +CRC extended format of incoming call indications in primary port... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.793108] (ttyUSB2) device open count is 4 (open) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.793447] (ttyUSB2) device open count is 3 (close) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.793882] (ttyUSB2): --> 'AT+CRC=0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.806044] (ttyUSB2): <-- 'OK' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.806406] Disabling +CCWA call waiting indications in primary port... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.806694] (ttyUSB2) device open count is 4 (open) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.806992] (ttyUSB2) device open count is 3 (close) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.807443] (ttyUSB2): --> 'AT+CCWA=0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.820794] (ttyUSB2): <-- 'OK' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.821256] (ttyUSB2) Removing voice unsolicited events handlers Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.821580] (ttyUSB2) device open count is 2 (close) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.822010] Modem has extended signal reporting capabilities, disabling the Signal interface... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.822297] Extended signal information reporting disabled Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.822783] Modem has time capabilities, disabling the Time interface... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.823246] Modem has messaging capabilities, disabling the Messaging interface... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.823538] Enabled notifications: signal (yes), registration (yes), sms (no), connect (yes), subscriber (yes), packet (yes), pco (no), ussd (yes), lte attach status (no) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 132 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:84:00:00:00:C7:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:13:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:54:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:14:00:00:00:28:00:00:00:3C:00:00:00:18:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:05:00:00:00:0B:00:00:00:09:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:0A:00:00:00:E5:50:A0:C8:5E:82:47:9E:82:F7:10:AB:F4:C3:35:1F:01:00:00:00:01:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 132 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 199 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'device-service-subscribe-list' (0x00000013) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< EventsCount = '2' <<<<<< Events = '{ <<<<<< [0] = { <<<<<< DeviceServiceId = 'a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df' <<<<<< CidsCount = '5' <<<<<< Cids = '11,9,12,2,10' <<<<<< }, <<<<<< [1] = { <<<<<< DeviceServiceId = 'e550a0c8-5e82-479e-82f7-10abf4c3351f' <<<<<< CidsCount = '1' <<<<<< Cids = '1' <<<<<< }, <<<<<< }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 132 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:84:00:00:00:C7:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:54:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:14:00:00:00:28:00:00:00:3C:00:00:00:18:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:05:00:00:00:0B:00:00:00:09:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:0A:00:00:00:E5:50:A0:C8:5E:82:47:9E:82:F7:10:AB:F4:C3:35:1F:01:00:00:00:01:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 132 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 199 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'device-service-subscribe-list' (0x00000013) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> EventsCount = '2' >>>>>> Events = '{ >>>>>> [0] = { >>>>>> DeviceServiceId = 'a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df' >>>>>> CidsCount = '5' >>>>>> Cids = '11,9,12,2,10' >>>>>> }, >>>>>> [1] = { >>>>>> DeviceServiceId = 'e550a0c8-5e82-479e-82f7-10abf4c3351f' >>>>>> CidsCount = '1' >>>>>> Cids = '1' >>>>>> }, >>>>>> }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.826129] Supported notifications: signal (yes), registration (yes), sms (no), connect (yes), subscriber (yes), packet (yes), pco (no), ussd (yes), lte attach status (no) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.827163] Modem has location capabilities, disabling the Location interface... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.827500] Location 'gps-raw' gathering is already disabled... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.827779] Location 'gps-nmea' gathering is already disabled... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.828048] Location 'agps-msa' gathering is already disabled... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.828353] Location 'agps-msb' gathering is already disabled... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.828618] Need to disable the following location sources: '3gpp-lac-ci' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.829112] Modem has 3GPP/USSD capabilities, disabling the Modem 3GPP/USSD interface... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.829409] Enabled notifications: signal (yes), registration (yes), sms (no), connect (yes), subscriber (yes), packet (yes), pco (no), ussd (no), lte attach status (no) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 100 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:64:00:00:00:C8:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:13:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:34:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:28:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:05:00:00:00:0B:00:00:00:09:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:0A:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 100 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 200 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'device-service-subscribe-list' (0x00000013) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< EventsCount = '1' <<<<<< Events = '{ <<<<<< [0] = { <<<<<< DeviceServiceId = 'a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df' <<<<<< CidsCount = '5' <<<<<< Cids = '11,9,12,2,10' <<<<<< }, <<<<<< }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 100 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:64:00:00:00:C8:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:34:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:28:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:05:00:00:00:0B:00:00:00:09:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:0A:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 100 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 200 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'device-service-subscribe-list' (0x00000013) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> EventsCount = '1' >>>>>> Events = '{ >>>>>> [0] = { >>>>>> DeviceServiceId = 'a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df' >>>>>> CidsCount = '5' >>>>>> Cids = '11,9,12,2,10' >>>>>> }, >>>>>> }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.831801] Supported notifications: signal (yes), registration (yes), sms (no), connect (yes), subscriber (yes), packet (yes), pco (no), ussd (no), lte attach status (no) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.832321] Modem has 3GPP capabilities, disabling the Modem 3GPP interface... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.832626] Periodic 3GPP registration checks disabled Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.832902] Enabled notifications: signal (yes), registration (no), sms (no), connect (yes), subscriber (yes), packet (yes), pco (no), ussd (no), lte attach status (no) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 96 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:60:00:00:00:C9:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:13:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:30:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:24:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:04:00:00:00:0B:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:0A:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 96 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 201 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'device-service-subscribe-list' (0x00000013) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< EventsCount = '1' <<<<<< Events = '{ <<<<<< [0] = { <<<<<< DeviceServiceId = 'a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df' <<<<<< CidsCount = '4' <<<<<< Cids = '11,12,2,10' <<<<<< }, <<<<<< }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 96 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:60:00:00:00:C9:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:30:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:24:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:04:00:00:00:0B:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:02:00:00:00:0A:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 96 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 201 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'device-service-subscribe-list' (0x00000013) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> EventsCount = '1' >>>>>> Events = '{ >>>>>> [0] = { >>>>>> DeviceServiceId = 'a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df' >>>>>> CidsCount = '4' >>>>>> Cids = '11,12,2,10' >>>>>> }, >>>>>> }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.835288] Supported notifications: signal (yes), registration (no), sms (no), connect (yes), subscriber (yes), packet (yes), pco (no), ussd (no), lte attach status (no) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.835746] Supported notifications: signal (no), registration (no), sms (no), connect (no), subscriber (no), packet (no), pco (no), ussd (no), lte attach status (no) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.836193] Enabled notifications: signal (no), registration (no), sms (no), connect (no), subscriber (no), packet (no), pco (no), ussd (no), lte attach status (no) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 52 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:34:00:00:00:CA:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:13:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:04:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 52 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 202 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) <<<<<< cid = 'device-service-subscribe-list' (0x00000013) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< EventsCount = '0' <<<<<< Events = '{ <<<<<< }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 52 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:34:00:00:00:CA:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:A2:89:CC:33:BC:BB:8B:4F:B6:B0:13:3E:C2:AA:E6:DF:13:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 52 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 202 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'basic-connect' (a289cc33-bcbb-8b4f-b6b0-133ec2aae6df) >>>>>> cid = 'device-service-subscribe-list' (0x00000013) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> EventsCount = '0' >>>>>> Events = '{ >>>>>> }' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.838369] Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: 3GPP Registration state changed (home -> unknown) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.838768] Bearer not allowed to connect, not registered in 3GPP network Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.839376] Removing from DBus bearer at '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/6' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.839705] [device /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:internal-regs/f10f8000.usb3/usb5/5-1] unexported modem from path '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0' Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.840242] Extended signal information reporting disabled Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 12 <<<<<< data = 02:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:1B:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 12 <<<<<< type = close (0x00000002) <<<<<< transaction = 27 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 12 <<<<<< data = 02:00:00:00:0C:00:00:00:CB:00:00:00 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 12 <<<<<< type = close (0x00000002) <<<<<< transaction = 203 Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.842625] (ttyUSB1) forced to close port Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.843021] (ttyUSB2) device open count is 1 (close) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.843344] (ttyUSB0) device open count is 0 (close) Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.843613] (ttyUSB0) closing serial port... Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.844058] (ttyUSB0) serial port closed Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.844393] (ttyUSB0) forced to close port Nov 15 04:07:34 OpenWrt [7005]: [1573790854.846321] ModemManager is shut downH