[1672723268.285240] [ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 1 (close) [1672723268.296310] [modem0] setting up location sources: '3gpp-lac-ci, gps-nmea' [1672723268.296369] [modem0] location '3gpp-lac-ci' gathering is already enabled... [1672723268.296394] [modem0] location 'gps-raw' gathering is already disabled... [1672723268.296416] [modem0] location 'agps-msa' gathering is already disabled... [1672723268.296436] [modem0] location 'agps-msb' gathering is already disabled... [1672723268.296454] [modem0] need to enable the following location sources: 'gps-nmea' [1672723268.296885] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 13 <<<<<< data = 01:0C:00:00:10:01:00:03:00:3F:00:00... [1672723268.296971] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 12 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "loc" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 3 <<<<<< tlv_length = 0 <<<<<< message = "Get NMEA Types" (0x003F) [1672723268.297061] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 61 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:3D:00:00:00:39:00:00:00... [1672723268.297234] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 61 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 57 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'qmi' (d1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3) <<<<<< cid = 'msg' (0x00000001) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< QmiMsg = '01:0c:00:00:10:01:00:03:00:3f:00:00:00' [1672723268.312331] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:44:00:00:00:39:00:00:00... [1672723268.312531] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 57 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'qmi' (d1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3) >>>>>> cid = 'msg' (0x00000001) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> QMUX = '01:13:00:80:10:01:02:03:00:3f:00:07:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00' [1672723268.312604] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:80:10:01:02:03:00:3F:00:07... [1672723268.312709] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic response (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "loc" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "response" <<<<<< transaction = 3 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Get NMEA Types" (0x003F) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = SUCCESS [1672723268.344652] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 71 >>>>>> data = 07:00:00:80:47:00:00:00:00:00:00:00... [1672723268.344887] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 71 >>>>>> type = indicate-status (0x80000007) >>>>>> transaction = 0 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> service = 'qmi' (d1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3) >>>>>> cid = 'msg' (0x00000001) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> QMUX = '01:1a:00:80:10:01:04:03:00:3f:00:0e:00:01:04:00:00:00:00:00:10:04:00:00:00:02:00' [1672723268.344983] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 27 <<<<<< data = 01:1A:00:80:10:01:04:03:00:3F:00:0E... [1672723268.345124] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 26 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "loc" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 3 <<<<<< tlv_length = 14 <<<<<< message = "Get NMEA Types" (0x003F) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Indication Status" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = success <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "NMEA Types" (0x10) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 00:00:02:00 <<<<<< translated = (NULL) [1672723268.345257] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:00:10:01:00:04:00:3E:00:07... [1672723268.345371] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "loc" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 4 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Set NMEA Types" (0x003E) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "NMEA Types" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 0D:00:02:00 <<<<<< translated = gga, gsv, gsa [1672723268.345445] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 68 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:44:00:00:00:3A:00:00:00... [1672723268.345621] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 68 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 58 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'qmi' (d1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3) <<<<<< cid = 'msg' (0x00000001) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< QmiMsg = '01:13:00:00:10:01:00:04:00:3e:00:07:00:01:04:00:0d:00:02:00' [1672723268.376601] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:44:00:00:00:3A:00:00:00... [1672723268.376810] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 58 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'qmi' (d1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3) >>>>>> cid = 'msg' (0x00000001) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> QMUX = '01:13:00:80:10:01:02:04:00:3e:00:07:00:02:04:00:01:00:73:00' [1672723268.376877] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:80:10:01:02:04:00:3E:00:07... [1672723268.376982] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic response (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "loc" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "response" <<<<<< transaction = 4 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Set NMEA Types" (0x003E) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 01:00:73:00 <<<<<< translated = FAILURE: NoPermission [1672723268.377384] [modem0] couldn't setup required NMEA traces: QMI protocol error (115): 'NoPermission' [1672723268.377493] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 38 <<<<<< data = 01:25:00:00:10:01:00:05:00:22:00:19... [1672723268.377685] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 37 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "loc" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 5 <<<<<< tlv_length = 25 <<<<<< message = "Start" (0x0022) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Minimum Interval between Position Reports" (0x13) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = E8:03:00:00 <<<<<< translated = 1000 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Intermediate Report State" (0x12) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 02:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = disable <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Fix Recurrence Type" (0x10) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 01:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = periodic-fixes <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Session ID" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 10 <<<<<< translated = 16 [1672723268.377846] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 86 <<<<<< data = 03:00:00:00:56:00:00:00:3B:00:00:00... [1672723268.378097] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message (translated)... <<<<<< Header: <<<<<< length = 86 <<<<<< type = command (0x00000003) <<<<<< transaction = 59 <<<<<< Fragment header: <<<<<< total = 1 <<<<<< current = 0 <<<<<< Contents: <<<<<< service = 'qmi' (d1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3) <<<<<< cid = 'msg' (0x00000001) <<<<<< type = 'set' (0x00000001) <<<<<< Fields: <<<<<< QmiMsg = '01:25:00:00:10:01:00:05:00:22:00:19:00:13:04:00:e8:03:00:00:12:04:00:02:00:00:00:10:04:00:01:00:00:00:01:01:00:10' [1672723268.408901] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> data = 03:00:00:80:44:00:00:00:3B:00:00:00... [1672723268.409098] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> type = command-done (0x80000003) >>>>>> transaction = 59 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> status error = 'None' (0x00000000) >>>>>> service = 'qmi' (d1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3) >>>>>> cid = 'msg' (0x00000001) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> QMUX = '01:13:00:80:10:01:02:05:00:22:00:07:00:02:04:00:01:00:2e:00' [1672723268.409164] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:80:10:01:02:05:00:22:00:07... [1672723268.409267] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic response (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "loc" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "response" <<<<<< transaction = 5 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Start" (0x0022) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 01:00:2E:00 <<<<<< translated = FAILURE: GeneralError [1672723268.440820] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... >>>>>> RAW: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> data = 07:00:00:80:44:00:00:00:00:00:00:00... [1672723268.441038] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message (translated)... >>>>>> Header: >>>>>> length = 68 >>>>>> type = indicate-status (0x80000007) >>>>>> transaction = 0 >>>>>> Fragment header: >>>>>> total = 1 >>>>>> current = 0 >>>>>> Contents: >>>>>> service = 'qmi' (d1a30bc2-f97a-6e43-bf65-c7e24fb0f0d3) >>>>>> cid = 'msg' (0x00000001) >>>>>> Fields: >>>>>> QMUX = '01:17:00:80:10:01:04:04:00:24:00:0b:00:01:04:00:07:00:00:00:02:01:00:00' [1672723268.441141] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 24 <<<<<< data = 01:17:00:80:10:01:04:04:00:24:00:0B... [1672723268.441254] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 23 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "loc" <<<<<< client = 1 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 4 <<<<<< tlv_length = 11 <<<<<< message = (0x0024) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x01 <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 07:00:00:00 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x02 <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00