ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.470687] [modem0/call9] user request to start call ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.470951] [modem0] voice call to 696297286 allowed ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.471013] [modem0/call9] call state changed: unknown -> dialing (outgoing-started) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.471313] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.471676] [modem0] setting up in-call state... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.471757] [modem0] setting up in-call ports context ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.471803] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.471873] [modem0] setting voice in-call unsolicited events handlers in ttyUSB2 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.471936] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'ATD696297286;' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.472092] [modem0] modem is now in-call state ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.501529] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- 'OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.501797] [modem0/call9] call is started ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.502098] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.943393] [modem0] 1 calls being established: call list polling required ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.943703] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560141.943904] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CLCC' ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 65 <<<<<< data = 01:40:00:80:09:03:04:31:00:2E:00:34:00:01:08:00:01:01:01:00:01:04:00:00:10:0D:00:01:01:00:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36:27:03:00:01:01:09:2B:10:00:01:01:00:00:00:01:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 64 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "voice" <<<<<< client = 3 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 49 <<<<<< tlv_length = 52 <<<<<< message = "All Call Status" (0x002E) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Call Information" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = 01:01:01:00:01:04:00:00 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = '[ id = '1' state = 'origination' type = 'voice' direction = 'mo' mode = 'lte' multipart_indicator = 'no' als = '1' ] '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Remote Party Number" (0x10) <<<<<< length = 13 <<<<<< value = 01:01:00:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = '[ id = '1' presentation_indicator = 'allowed' type = '696297286' ] '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x27 <<<<<< length = 3 <<<<<< value = 01:01:09 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x2b <<<<<< length = 16 <<<<<< value = 01:01:00:00:00:01:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.132480] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '+CLCC: 1,1,0,1,0,"",128+CLCC: 2,0,2,0,0,"696297286",129OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.132872] [modem0] reported 2 ongoing calls ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.132969] [modem0] call at index 1: direction incoming, state active, number n/a ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.133022] [modem0] call at index 2: direction outgoing, state dialing, number 696297286 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.133110] [modem0] call info matched (matched direction/state yes, matched number yes, matched index no, matched terminated no) with call at '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Call/9' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.133161] [modem0] index set: 2 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.133211] [modem0] unexpected incoming call to number 'n/a' reported in call list: state active ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.133289] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 65 <<<<<< data = 01:40:00:80:03:04:04:28:00:24:00:34:00:01:06:00:01:01:01:02:01:05:11:02:00:01:05:15:03:00:01:05:01:1D:02:00:98:12:1E:04:00:55:29:BF:01:26:08:00:03:00:00:00:03:00:00:00:28:02:00:82:01:2A:01:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 64 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "nas" <<<<<< client = 4 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 40 <<<<<< tlv_length = 52 <<<<<< message = "Serving System" (0x0024) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Serving System" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 6 <<<<<< value = 01:01:01:02:01:05 <<<<<< translated = [ registration_state = 'registered' cs_attach_state = 'attached' ps_attach_state = 'attached' selected_network = '3gpp' radio_interfaces = '{ [0] = 'umts '}' ] <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Data Service Capability" (0x11) <<<<<< length = 2 <<<<<< value = 01:05 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = 'wcdma '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Roaming Indicator List" (0x15) <<<<<< length = 3 <<<<<< value = 01:05:01 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = '[ radio_interface = 'umts' roaming_indicator = 'off' ] '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "LAC 3GPP" (0x1d) <<<<<< length = 2 <<<<<< value = 98:12 <<<<<< translated = 4760 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "CID 3GPP" (0x1e) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 55:29:BF:01 <<<<<< translated = 29305173 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Call Barring Status" (0x26) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = 03:00:00:00:03:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = [ cs_status = 'all-calls' ps_status = 'all-calls' ] <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "UMTS Primary Scrambling Code" (0x28) <<<<<< length = 2 <<<<<< value = 82:01 <<<<<< translated = 386 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x2a <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.819445] [modem0] processing 3GPP info... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.819558] [modem0] 3GPP location area code updated: 'FFFE->1298' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.819603] [modem0] 3GPP tracking area code cleared: 'B9F2->0' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.819639] [modem0] 3GPP cell id updated: '72C0D0B->1BF2955' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.819674] [modem0] 3GPP location updated (MCC: '214', MNC: '7', location area code: '1298', tracking area code: '0', cell ID: '1BF2955') ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 24 <<<<<< data = 01:17:00:80:01:06:04:C5:00:01:00:0B:00:16:08:00:C0:EB:83:02:C0:EB:83:02 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 23 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 197 <<<<<< tlv_length = 11 <<<<<< message = "Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Channel Rates" (0x16) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = C0:EB:83:02:C0:EB:83:02 <<<<<< translated = [ tx_rate_bps = '42200000' rx_rate_bps = '42200000' ] ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.820989] [modem0/bearer1] got QMI WDS event report ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 17 <<<<<< data = 01:10:00:80:01:06:04:C6:00:01:00:04:00:17:01:00:04 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 16 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 198 <<<<<< tlv_length = 4 <<<<<< message = "Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Data Bearer Technology" (0x17) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 04 <<<<<< translated = umts ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.829220] [modem0/bearer1] got QMI WDS event report ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 25 <<<<<< data = 01:18:00:80:01:06:04:C7:00:01:00:0C:00:1D:09:00:02:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 24 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 199 <<<<<< tlv_length = 12 <<<<<< message = "Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Current Data Bearer Technology" (0x1d) <<<<<< length = 9 <<<<<< value = 02:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = [ network_type = '3gpp' rat_mask = '1' so_mask = '0' ] ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.835996] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '+CREG: 1,"1298","1BF2955",2+CGREG: 1,"1298","1BF2955",2' ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 32 <<<<<< data = 01:1F:00:80:01:06:04:C8:00:01:00:13:00:2A:10:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 31 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 200 <<<<<< tlv_length = 19 <<<<<< message = "Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Extended Data Bearer Technology" (0x2a) <<<<<< length = 16 <<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = [ data_bearer_technology = '3gpp' radio_access_technology = '3gpp-wcdma' extended_data_bearer_technology_3gpp = 'wcdma' reserved1 = '0' extended_data_bearer_technology_3gpp2 = 'unknown' reserved2 = '0' reserved3 = '0' reserved4 = '0' ] ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.837035] [modem0/bearer1] got QMI WDS event report ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.837159] [modem0/bearer1] got QMI WDS event report ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 24 <<<<<< data = 01:17:00:80:01:06:04:C9:00:01:00:0B:00:16:08:00:10:7A:84:00:10:7A:84:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 23 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 201 <<<<<< tlv_length = 11 <<<<<< message = "Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Channel Rates" (0x16) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = 10:7A:84:00:10:7A:84:00 <<<<<< translated = [ tx_rate_bps = '8682000' rx_rate_bps = '8682000' ] ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.842405] [modem0/bearer1] got QMI WDS event report ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 36 <<<<<< data = 01:23:00:80:01:06:04:CA:00:01:00:17:00:24:14:00:00:02:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 35 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 202 <<<<<< tlv_length = 23 <<<<<< message = "Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Data Systems" (0x24) <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< value = 00:02:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = [ preferred_network_type = '3gpp' networks = '{ [0] = '[ network_type = '3gpp' rat_mask = '1' so_mask = '0' ] ' [1] = '[ network_type = '3gpp2' rat_mask = '0' so_mask = '0' ] '}' ] ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.845774] [modem0/bearer1] got QMI WDS event report ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:80:01:06:04:CB:00:01:00:07:00:20:04:00:04:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 203 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Preferred Data System" (0x20) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 04:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = wcdma ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.847291] [modem0/bearer1] got QMI WDS event report ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 36 <<<<<< data = 01:23:00:80:01:05:04:1D:00:01:00:17:00:24:14:00:00:02:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 35 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 5 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 29 <<<<<< tlv_length = 23 <<<<<< message = "Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Data Systems" (0x24) <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< value = 00:02:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = [ preferred_network_type = '3gpp' networks = '{ [0] = '[ network_type = '3gpp' rat_mask = '1' so_mask = '0' ] ' [1] = '[ network_type = '3gpp2' rat_mask = '0' so_mask = '0' ] '}' ] ModemManager[4908]: [1679560142.850451] [modem0] data systems update, preferred network: 3gpp ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 13 <<<<<< data = 01:0C:00:00:01:05:00:22:00:85:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent generic request (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 12 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 5 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 34 <<<<<< tlv_length = 0 <<<<<< message = "Get LTE Attach Parameters" (0x0085) ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 49 <<<<<< data = 01:30:00:80:01:05:02:22:00:85:00:24:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:10:0B:00:6D:6F:76:69:73:74:61:72:2E:65:73:11:01:00:00:12:01:00:00:13:04:00:98:C1:CD:05 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic response (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 48 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 5 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "response" <<<<<< transaction = 34 <<<<<< tlv_length = 36 <<<<<< message = "Get LTE Attach Parameters" (0x0085) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = SUCCESS <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "APN" (0x10) <<<<<< length = 11 <<<<<< value = 6D:6F:76:69:73:74:61:72:2E:65:73 <<<<<< translated = <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "IP Support Type" (0x11) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = ipv4 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "OTA Attach Performed" (0x12) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x13 <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 98:C1:CD:05 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 18 <<<<<< data = 01:11:00:80:09:03:04:32:00:32:00:05:00:01:02:00:01:0C ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 17 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "voice" <<<<<< client = 3 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 50 <<<<<< tlv_length = 5 <<<<<< message = (0x0032) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x01 <<<<<< length = 2 <<<<<< value = 01:0C ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.942753] [modem0] 1 calls being established: call list polling required ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.943022] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.943157] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CLCC' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.968182] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '+CLCC: 1,1,0,1,0,"",128+CLCC: 2,0,2,0,0,"696297286",129OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.969224] [modem0] reported 2 ongoing calls ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.969350] [modem0] call at index 1: direction incoming, state active, number n/a ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.969390] [modem0] call at index 2: direction outgoing, state dialing, number 696297286 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.969454] [modem0] call info matched (matched direction/state yes, matched number yes, matched index yes, matched terminated no) with call at '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Call/9' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.969505] [modem0] unexpected incoming call to number 'n/a' reported in call list: state active ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.969567] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 43 <<<<<< data = 01:2A:00:80:03:04:04:29:00:24:00:1E:00:01:06:00:01:01:01:02:01:05:11:02:00:01:05:1C:08:00:E7:07:03:17:08:1D:05:04:28:02:00:82:01 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 42 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "nas" <<<<<< client = 4 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 41 <<<<<< tlv_length = 30 <<<<<< message = "Serving System" (0x0024) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Serving System" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 6 <<<<<< value = 01:01:01:02:01:05 <<<<<< translated = [ registration_state = 'registered' cs_attach_state = 'attached' ps_attach_state = 'attached' selected_network = '3gpp' radio_interfaces = '{ [0] = 'umts '}' ] <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Data Service Capability" (0x11) <<<<<< length = 2 <<<<<< value = 01:05 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = 'wcdma '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Universal Time and Local Time Zone 3GPP" (0x1c) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = E7:07:03:17:08:1D:05:04 <<<<<< translated = [ year = '2023' month = '3' day = '23' hour = '8' minute = '29' second = '5' time_zone = '4' ] <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "UMTS Primary Scrambling Code" (0x28) <<<<<< length = 2 <<<<<< value = 82:01 <<<<<< translated = 386 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560143.981545] [modem0] processing 3GPP info... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560145.943121] [modem0] 1 calls being established: call list polling required ModemManager[4908]: [1679560145.943369] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560145.943504] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CLCC' ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 59 <<<<<< data = 01:3A:00:80:09:03:04:33:00:2E:00:2E:00:01:08:00:01:01:05:00:01:03:00:00:10:0D:00:01:01:00:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36:2B:10:00:01:01:00:00:00:01:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 58 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "voice" <<<<<< client = 3 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 51 <<<<<< tlv_length = 46 <<<<<< message = "All Call Status" (0x002E) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Call Information" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = 01:01:05:00:01:03:00:00 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = '[ id = '1' state = 'alerting' type = 'voice' direction = 'mo' mode = 'umts' multipart_indicator = 'no' als = '1' ] '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Remote Party Number" (0x10) <<<<<< length = 13 <<<<<< value = 01:01:00:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = '[ id = '1' presentation_indicator = 'allowed' type = '696297286' ] '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x2b <<<<<< length = 16 <<<<<< value = 01:01:00:00:00:01:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.108898] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '+CLCC: 1,1,0,1,0,"",128+CLCC: 2,0,3,0,0,"696297286",129OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.109277] [modem0] reported 2 ongoing calls ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.109362] [modem0] call at index 1: direction incoming, state active, number n/a ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.109418] [modem0] call at index 2: direction outgoing, state ringing-out, number 696297286 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.109494] [modem0] call info matched (matched direction/state no, matched number yes, matched index yes, matched terminated no) with call at '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Call/9' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.109554] [modem0] state updated: ringing-out ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.109603] [modem0/call9] call state changed: dialing -> ringing-out (unknown) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.109989] [modem0] unexpected incoming call to number 'n/a' reported in call list: state active ModemManager[4908]: [1679560146.110111] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.943018] [modem0] 1 calls being established: call list polling required ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.943267] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.943402] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CLCC' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.962034] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '+CLCC: 1,1,0,1,0,"",128+CLCC: 2,0,3,0,0,"696297286",129OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.962454] [modem0] reported 2 ongoing calls ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.962592] [modem0] call at index 1: direction incoming, state active, number n/a ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.962645] [modem0] call at index 2: direction outgoing, state ringing-out, number 696297286 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.962707] [modem0] call info matched (matched direction/state yes, matched number yes, matched index yes, matched terminated no) with call at '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Call/9' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.962757] [modem0] unexpected incoming call to number 'n/a' reported in call list: state active ModemManager[4908]: [1679560147.962823] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560149.943229] [modem0] 1 calls being established: call list polling required ModemManager[4908]: [1679560149.943558] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560149.943734] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CLCC' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.110892] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- 'CONNECT ' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.111267] [modem0] reported 0 ongoing calls ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.111392] [modem0] call '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Call/9' with direction outgoing, state ringing-out, number '696297286', index 2 not found in list, terminating ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.111450] [modem0/call9] call state changed: ringing-out -> terminated (unknown) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.111811] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.113596] [modem0] cleaning up in-call state... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.113726] [modem0] cleaning up in-call ports context ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.113808] [modem0] removing voice in-call unsolicited events handlers in ttyUSB2 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.113851] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 1 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 59 <<<<<< data = 01:3A:00:80:09:03:04:34:00:2E:00:2E:00:01:08:00:01:01:03:00:01:03:00:00:10:0D:00:01:01:00:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36:2B:10:00:01:01:00:00:00:01:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic indication (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 58 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "voice" <<<<<< client = 3 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "indication" <<<<<< transaction = 52 <<<<<< tlv_length = 46 <<<<<< message = "All Call Status" (0x002E) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Call Information" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = 01:01:03:00:01:03:00:00 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = '[ id = '1' state = 'conversation' type = 'voice' direction = 'mo' mode = 'umts' multipart_indicator = 'no' als = '1' ] '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Remote Party Number" (0x10) <<<<<< length = 13 <<<<<< value = 01:01:00:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 <<<<<< translated = { [0] = '[ id = '1' presentation_indicator = 'allowed' type = '696297286' ] '} <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = 0x2b <<<<<< length = 16 <<<<<< value = 01:01:00:00:00:01:09:36:39:36:32:39:37:32:38:36 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.114323] [modem0] modem is no longer in-call state ModemManager[4908]: [1679560150.114460] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- '+CLCC: 1,1,0,1,0,"",128+CLCC: 2,0,0,0,0,"696297286",129OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560151.943011] [modem0] no calls being established: call list polling stopped ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:00:01:06:00:0A:00:24:00:07:00:01:04:00:C0:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent generic request (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 10 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Get Packet Statistics" (0x0024) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Mask" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = C0:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = tx-bytes-ok, rx-bytes-ok ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 42 <<<<<< data = 01:29:00:80:01:06:02:0A:00:24:00:1D:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:19:08:00:27:E8:01:00:00:00:00:00:1A:08:00:A6:E7:03:00:00:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic response (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 41 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "response" <<<<<< transaction = 10 <<<<<< tlv_length = 29 <<<<<< message = "Get Packet Statistics" (0x0024) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = SUCCESS <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Tx Bytes Ok" (0x19) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = 27:E8:01:00:00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = 124967 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Rx Bytes Ok" (0x1a) <<<<<< length = 8 <<<<<< value = A6:E7:03:00:00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = 255910 ^CModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.166465] caught signal, shutting down... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.166767] [base-manager] stopping connection in object manager server ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.167179] [modem0] state changed (connected -> disabling) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.167507] [modem0/bearer1] disconnecting... ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 61 <<<<<< data = 01:3C:00:00:01:06:00:0B:00:01:00:30:00:1E:01:00:00:1C:01:00:00:1B:01:00:00:1A:01:00:00:19:01:00:00:18:01:00:00:17:01:00:00:15:01:00:00:14:01:00:00:13:01:00:00:12:01:00:00:10:01:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent generic request (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 60 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 11 <<<<<< tlv_length = 48 <<<<<< message = "Set Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Extended Data Bearer Technology" (0x1e) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Limited Data System Status" (0x1c) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Uplink Flow Control" (0x1b) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Data Systems" (0x1a) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "EVDO PM Change" (0x19) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Preferred Data System" (0x18) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Data Call Status" (0x17) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Current Data Bearer Technology" (0x15) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "MIP Status" (0x14) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = 0 <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Dormancy Status" (0x13) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Data Bearer Technology" (0x12) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Channel Rate" (0x10) <<<<<< length = 1 <<<<<< value = 00 <<<<<< translated = no ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:00:01:06:00:0C:00:21:00:07:00:01:04:00:60:B7:03:86 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent generic request (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x00 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "none" <<<<<< transaction = 12 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Stop Network" (0x0021) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Packet Data Handle" (0x01) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 60:B7:03:86 <<<<<< translated = 2248390496 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:80:01:06:02:0B:00:01:00:07:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic response (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "response" <<<<<< transaction = 11 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Set Event Report" (0x0001) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = SUCCESS ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message... <<<<<< RAW: <<<<<< length = 20 <<<<<< data = 01:13:00:80:01:06:02:0C:00:21:00:07:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00 ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received generic response (translated)... <<<<<< QMUX: <<<<<< length = 19 <<<<<< flags = 0x80 <<<<<< service = "wds" <<<<<< client = 6 <<<<<< QMI: <<<<<< flags = "response" <<<<<< transaction = 12 <<<<<< tlv_length = 7 <<<<<< message = "Stop Network" (0x0021) <<<<<< TLV: <<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02) <<<<<< length = 4 <<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00 <<<<<< translated = SUCCESS ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.177285] [modem0/wwan0/net] port now disconnected ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.177443] [modem0/bearer1] disconnected ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.177856] [modem0/bearer1] connection #1 finished: duration 181s, tx: 124967 bytes, rx :255910 bytes ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.178033] [modem0] modem has voice capabilities, disabling the Voice interface... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.178127] [modem0] disabling +CLIP calling line reporting in primary port... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.178194] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.179384] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CLIP=0' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.195185] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- 'OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.195560] [modem0] disabling +CRC extended format of incoming call indications in primary port... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.195726] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.195830] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.196086] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CRC=0' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.209872] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- 'OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.210143] [modem0] disabling +CCWA call waiting indications in primary port... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.210257] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 3 (open) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.210356] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 2 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.210595] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] --> 'AT+CCWA=0' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.225702] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] <-- 'OK' ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.226083] [modem0] removing voice unsolicited events handlers in ttyUSB2 ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.226230] [modem0/ttyUSB2/at] device open count is 1 (close) ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.226470] [modem0] modem has extended signal reporting capabilities, disabling the Signal interface... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.226904] [modem0] modem has time capabilities, disabling the Time interface... ModemManager[4908]: [1679560155.227245] [modem0] modem has messaging capabilities, disabling the Messaging interface... ModemManager[4908]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Sent message...