[Networkmanager] Implementing a NetworkManager VPN Plugin in Rust

Thomas Haller thaller at redhat.com
Mon Dec 11 11:39:50 UTC 2023

On Mon, 2023-12-11 at 17:46 +0700, amidamaru rookie wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I want to generate a NM.gir file, so I think it may require building
> NetworkManager from source.

Most distros also ship the /usr/share/gir-1.0/NM-1.0.gir file. You can
get it from there. But of course, you can build from source. That's a
good idea when developing NM.

> And I looked at the CONTRIBUTING.md at section Building from source.
> Which options I suppose to add for CONFIGURE_OPTIONS when doing this
> command?
> meson build $CONFIGURE_OPTIONS
> ninja -C build
> # optional: sudo meson install -C build

Nothing special. The gir file is always build.

> Because of this note "Beware to set the correct $CONFIGURE_OPTIONS.
> In particular, you may not want the default installation prefix and
> not overwrite files in /usr." Therefore I don't want my system to
> crash. 
> I'm based on arch linux.

as long as you don't type `sudo make install` (or `meson install`), it
doesn't really matter. However, if you do, beware of the problem.

To only generate the git file, you anyway don't need to install.

If you do `./configure --prefix=/tmp/nm`, and run `make install` as
non-root user, you should be mostly safe. In general, if you run `make
install` as non-root, nothing too bad should happen.


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