Web browsing the Mobile broadband provider info database

Aleksander Morgado aleksandermj at chromium.org
Sat Dec 16 20:51:53 UTC 2023

Hey Thomas and NM community,

I recently found online the browsable version of the m-b-p-i database,
written by Mikel Olasagasti (also in CC):

I asked him whether it would be fine to transition this site to
something that we could automatically publish via CI, e.g. as we do
with the NM and MM websites, using hugo and such. He quickly prepared
some tools to do this and published an example site at
http://mobile.olasagasti.info/ It is not as "pretty" as the original
PHP based one yet, but I think it would be something very nice to
publish by the project itself, e.g. updated on every git commit.

Does the GNOME gitlab have the same infrastructure to publish this
kind of static pages generated via CI rules? Could we set this up in
the GNOME gitlab instance?

I also thought about requesting the move of the m-b-p-i project to
freedesktop.org gitlab, where both MM and NM have their sources, but
that may not be completely necessary. Although from a user
perspective, this would make the database no longer associated to
GNOME only, which is not a bad idea maybe.

What do you all think?



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