[Networkmanager] nic sub-interface

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Mon May 8 17:26:55 UTC 2023

Once upon a time, Robin Becker <robin at reportlab.com> said:
> On 08/05/2023 15:04, Thomas Haller wrote:
> >Why? After moving the port to the bridge, the "new" configuration is
> >supposed to work. Just add the IP addresses (or `ipv4.method=auto`) on
> >the bridge profile, instead of the eno1 profile from before.
> .......
> I am almost certain this is right, but perhaps my router is interfering.

The way I do it, if I'm converting enp3s0 to br0, copying the IPv4/IPv6
options from the base:

   nmcli con add con-name br0 ifname br0 type bridge stp 0 $(nmcli -t con show enp3s0 | grep '^ipv[46]\..*:.' | sed 's/:/ /') autoconnect 0

   nmcli con add con-name enp3s0-br0 ifname enp3s0 type bridge-slave master br0 autoconnect 0

   nmcli con down enp3s0; nmcli con up br0; nmcli con up enp3s0-br0

   nmcli con mod br0 autoconnect 1
   nmcli con mod enp3s0-br0 autoconnect 1
   nmcli con mod enp3s0 autoconnect 0

Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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