[Networkmanager] setup up isolated wifi with real ethernet. I used to use aphostd but networkmanager show be able to do it.

Beniamino Galvani bgalvani at redhat.com
Wed Nov 29 09:15:11 UTC 2023

On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 03:30:50PM -0600, sv savage wrote:
> I am trying to setup a RPi to be a local sensor server.using WiFi.
> The remote sensors connect to the Wifi to access a https server.
> I want the Wifi(wlan0) isolated from the Internet (eth0).
> I need DNS on wlan0 so clients can access "server.localnet" at IP
>, this is needed to use https certificates.
> But on the ethernet side normal DNS works.
> I have tried many different combinations.
> As for blocking internet,
> Turn off Forwarding
> Gateway to same IP
> Rules in nftables
> )
> What commands do I use to setup this configuration?


NetworkManager provides functionalities for connection sharing and
WiFi hotspot, see more details at:


By enabling the WiFi hotspot, clients will be able to access the
Internet via the ethernet interface. To prevent this, you need to
disable forwarding or to add nftables rules; this must be done
manually outside of NetworkManager, because NM doesn't support it.

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