[Networkmanager] IP address not restored upon carrier loss

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Thu Oct 5 20:46:39 UTC 2023

Once upon a time, Vincent <techburgher at gmail.com> said:
> >  but you can avoid the behavior of a
> static IP being removed in response to carrier changes by installing the
> NetworkManager-config-server package.
> This package is installed.
> It did not immediately seem to make any difference, as to whether
> ignore_carrier, in this package's configuration, was set to no or yes.

Did you restart NetworkManager.service after installing/changing?

If you are still seeing an interface de-configured for carrier loss, I
think something else is happening.  I don't see NM do that with that
packge installed.
Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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