[Networkmanager] IP address not restored upon carrier loss

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Fri Oct 6 14:53:16 UTC 2023

Once upon a time, Vincent <techburgher at gmail.com> said:
> Yes, NetworkManager was restarted.
> I think the behavior may differ, depending on the disconnection reason. I
> am not sure how pulling a network cable would yield a reason of
> "user-requested" and not "carrier-changed". When I pull the cable on a test
> system, the reason is "carrier-changed".

I wonder if there's some other "monitoring" daemon running (cluster
management service for example) that is then telling NM to down the
interface, so NM just sees it the same as if a user did "nmcli con down".

Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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